A comprehensive list of all actors that have appeared to date


Click on any letter in the lists below to return to the top of the page


Joe Absolom

Murder by Magic

Joss Ackland

Vixen's Run

Alfie Adams

Left for Dead

Jenny Agutter

The Creeper

Kacey Ainsworth

Echoes of the Dead

Barry Aird

Shot at Dawn

Suzy Aitchison

The Silent Land

Lucy Akhurst

Wild Harvest

Edward Akrout

Breaking the Chain

Richard Albrecht

The Oblong Murders

Andrew Alexander

Harvest of Souls

Bruce Alexander

Ghosts of Christmas Past

Denyse Alexander

Death of a Hollow Man
Blood Wedding

Geraldine Alexander

Sauce for the Goose

Sarah Alexander

Garden of Death

Roger Allam

Faithful unto Death

Adie Allen

Destroying Angel

Luke Allen-Gale

Death in the Slow Lane

David Allister

Blood Will Out

Nicholas Amer

Midsomer Rhapsody

Emma Amos

Dead in the Water

Ronni Ancona

Fit for Murder

Georgine Anderson

Blue Herrings
Dance with the Dead

Joe Anderson

Second Sight

Miles Anderson

Death in Disguise
Last Years Model

Paul Anderson

The Black Book

Samuel Anderson

Death & the Divas

Dean Andrews

The Ballad of Midsomer County

Michael Angelis

The Axeman Cometh

Lilly-May Anson

The House in the Woods

Nigel Anthony

Picture of Innocence

Philip Anthony

A Sacred Trust

Annabelle Apsion

Dead Man's 11
Death in Chorus

Barry Arid

Death in the Slow Lane

Holly Aird

The Oblong Murders

Jonathan Aris

Saints and Sinners

Joe Armstrong

Dead in the Water

Lee Armstrong

The Incident at Coopers Hill

Mark Armstrong

Murder of Innocence

Simon Armstrong

Hidden Depths

Thomas Arnold

Echoes of the Dead

Hannah Arterton

A Sacred Trust

Ashley Artus

Death in Disguise

Nicholas Asbury

Death in the Slow Lane

Nigel Ashbridge

The Killings at Badger's Drift

Renee Asherson

The Killings at Badger's Drift

Kate Ashfield

Schooled in Murder

Marcia Ashton

Shot at Dawn

Claire Askam

Dead Letters

Marie Askehave

The Killings of Copenhagen

Charlotte Asprey

The Black Book

John Atterbury

The Great & The Good

Richard Attlee

Orchis Fatalis

Shane Attwooll

Bantling Boy

Juliet Aubrey

Country Matters

Nicholas Audsley

Murder on St. Malley's Day

Alister Austin

The Incident at Coopers Hill

Perdita Avery

The Christmas Haunting

Justin Avoth

Blood on the Saddle

Rakie Ayola

The Ballad of Midsomer County

Fraser Ayres

Murder by Magic

Rosalind Ayres

Faithful unto Death



Sarah Badel

Death of a Hollow Man
The Black Book

Mark Bagnall

Written in Blood

Catherine Bailey

Wild Harvest

Ben Bailey Smith

Let Us Prey

David Baker

Faithful unto Death

George Baker

The House in the Woods

Sean Baker

Dead in the Water

Patrick Baladi

Electric Vendetta

David Bamber

Dead Letters
The Black Book
A Dying Art

Louise Bangay

A Sacred Trust

Frances Barber

Master Class

Nick Barber

The Fisher King

Matt Bardock

Orchis Fatalis

John Bardon

Written in Blood

Gillian Barge

A Worm in the Bud

David Bark-Jones

Death & the Divas

Patrick Barlow

Blood Wedding

Thelma Barlow

Last Years Model

June Barne

A Talent for Life

Chris Barnes

Bad Tidings

Angus Barnett

Fit for Murder

Jonathan Barnwell

The Killings of Copenhagen

Chris Barrie

Death in a Chocolate Box

Desmond Barrit

Murder on St. Malley's Day
They Seek Him Here

Ian Barritt

Vixen's Run

Keith Barron

The Straw Woman

Sabrina Bartlett

A Vintage Murder

Tony Barton

The Noble Art

Linda Bassett

The Animal Within

Dean Batchelor

Garden of Death

Robert Bathurst

The Flying Club

Anthony Bate

Garden of Death

Daisy Bates

Electric Vendetta

Timothy Bateson

Death's Shadow/Orchis Fatalis

Helen Baxendale

Habeas Corpus

Peter Bayliss

Death of a Stranger

Geoffrey Baylon

Blue Herrings

Mark Bazeley

Faithful unto Death

Ann Beach

Sauce for the Goose

Charlie Beall

A Tale of Two Hamlets

David Beames

Vixen's Run

Tom Beard

Murder on St. Malley's Day
Days of Misrule

Terence Beasley

The Green Man

Joseph Beattie

Death & the Divas

Charlotte Beaumont

A Dying Art

Penelope Beaumont

Dead Man's 11

Geoffrey Beavers

Death in Disguise

Sam Beazley

Blue Herrings

William Beck

Let Us Prey

Georgina Beedle

Death & the Divas

Alex Belcourt

Bad Tidings
Last Years Model
The Straw Woman

Ann Bell

Tainted Fruit

Elizabeth Bell

Master Class

John Bell

The Sicilian Defence

Rachel Bell

Sins of Commission

Tony Bell

Days of Misrule

Lynda Bellingham

The Fisher King

Jamie Belman

The Dogleg Murders

Kingsley Ben­Adir

Saints and Sinners

Jack Bence

Death in the Slow Lane

Christopher Benjamin

Midsomer Rhapsody

Fleur Bennett

Dark Autumn

Max Bennett

A Vintage Murder

Tom Bennett

Dead Letters

Candida Benson

Birds of Prey

Paul Bentall

Small Mercies

Stephen Beresford

The Maid in Splendour

Glen Berry

Destroying Angel

Elizabeth Berrington

The Christmas Haunting

Michael Bertenshaw

Electric Vendetta

Daniel Betts

Blood Will Out

Nigel Betts

Destroying Angel
Death & Dust

Kieran Bew

They Seek Him Here

Sanjeev Bhaskar

The Killings of Copenhagen

Sheena Bhattessa

The Incident at Coopers Hill

Ace Bhatti

Written in the Stars

Paul Bigley

A Rare Bird

Graham Bill

Electric Vendetta

Leo Bill

A Tale of Two Hamlets

Ed Birch

The Dagger Club

Philip Bird

Hidden Depths

Jesse Birdsall

Market for Murder
Small Mercies

David Birrell

Last Years Model

Denise Black

Painted in Blood
The Night of the Stag

Jamie Blackley

A Sacred Trust

Honor Blackman

A Talent for Life

Adam Blackwood

Dark Autumn

Tilly Blackwood

Death in Disguise
The Axeman Cometh

Claudie Blakley

The Ballad of Midsomer County

Isla Blair

Death & Dreams

Paul Blair

The Christmas Haunting

Alex Blake

Left for Dead

Isabella Blake-Thomas

Schooled in Murder

Lin Blakeley

The Dogleg Murders

Caroline Blakiston

Bantling Boy
Small Mercies

Claire Bloom

A Vintage Murder

Orlando Bloom

Judgement Day

Benedict Blythe

Dead in the Water

Robert Blythe

Shot at Dawn

Lee Boardman

Echoes of the Dead

James Bolam

Death of a Stranger

Eamond Boland

Murder on St. Malley's Day

Anna Bolt

Death in Disguise

Philip Bond

Death in a Chocolate Box

Samantha Bond

Destroying Angel
Shot at Dawn
Death in the Slow Lane

Ken Bones

The Noble Art

Mark Bonnar

A Vintage Murder

Hugh Bonneville

Ring Out Your Dead

Jane Booker

Written in Blood
The Creeper

Christine Bottomley

The Oblong Murders

Nicholas Boulton

A Rare Bird

Kate Bowes

Murder of Innocence

Philip Bowers

Destroying Angel

Raymond Bowers

Garden of Death

Tom Bowles

Sauce for the Goose

Stephen Boxer

Midsomer Rhapsody

Tracy Brabin

Dead Letters

David Bradley

The Green Man

Marion Bradley

Left for Dead

Therese Bradley

The Ballad of Midsomer County

Cathryn Bradshaw

Things that Go Bump in the Night

Richard Bradshaw

The Night of the Stag

Hilda Braid

Dead Man's 11

Patricia Brake

Beyond the Grave
Let Us Prey

John Branwell

Death & Dreams

Stefano Ano Braschi

Saints and Sinners

Louise Brecon-Richards

Dead Letters

Paul Brennen

Death & Dreams

Roger Brierlay

Murder on St. Malley's Day

Lucy Briers

Death in the Slow Lane

Richard Briers

Death's Shadow

Lucy Briggs-Owen

Dark Secrets

Nick Brimble

Dark Secrets

Katy Brittain

Stranglers Wood
The House in the Woods

Jasper Britton

Sauce for the Goose

Daniel Brocklebank

The Ballad of Midsomer County

Eleanor Bron

The Dark Rider

Paul Brooke

Faithful unto Death

Sian Brooke

The Magician's Nephew

Lisa Brookes

Echoes of the Dead

Jessica Brooks

Four Funerals & A Wedding

Jonie Broom

Death of a Stranger
Electric Vendetta

Dylan Brown

Murder of Innocence

Janet Brown

Dead in the Water

Lucy Brown

The Glitch

Philip Martin Brown

Things that Go Bump in the Night

Susan Brown

The Sleeper under the Hill

Colin Brummage

The Sword of Guillaume

Katie Buchholz

Murder of Innocence

Marc Buchner

The Green Man

Andrew Buckley

Echoes of the Dead

Emma Buckley

Sins of Commission

Kate Buffery

Birds of Prey

Diane Bull

Death in Disguise

Sarah Bull

Blue Herrings
The Straw Woman

Stuart Bunce

Death & Dreams

Suzanne Burden

A Talent for Life
The Great & The Good

John Burgess

Ghosts of Christmas Past
Blood Wedding

Myanna Buring

Midsomer Life

David Burke

Midsomer Rhapsody

Sally Ann Burnett

Blood Wedding

Amanda Burton

Murder by Magic

Harry Burton

Ring Out Your Dead

Clemmie Burton-Hill

Dead in the Water

Kirsty Bushell

Country Matters

Josephine Butler

The Oblong Murders

Michelle Butterly

Small Mercies

Fiona Button

The Axeman Cometh

Antony Byrne

Country Matters

Rory Fleck Byrne

Harvest of Souls

Kathleen Byron

Stranglers Wood



David Calder

Birds of Prey

Selina Cadell

The Killings at Badger's Drift
Midsomer Life

Clare Calbraith

Written in the Stars

Anna Calder-Marshall

Garden of Death

Anthony Calf

Dead Man's 11

James Callis

The Dark Rider

Sam Callis

Murder of Innocence

Simon Callow

Dead Letters

Phyllis Calvert

Blue Herrings

Nadia Cameron-Blakey

Master Class
The Christmas Haunting

Cheryl Campbell

Beyond the Grave
The Sicilian Defence

Emily Canfor-Dumas

Judgement Day

Richard Cant

The Killings at Badgers Drift
Dead Letters

Peter Capaldi

Death in Chorus

Andy Caph

A Worm in the Bud

Brian Capron

Shot at Dawn
The Sword of Guillaume

Rosina Carbone

The Sword of Guillaume

Anita Carey

The House in the Woods

Richenda Carey

The Straw Woman

John Carlisle

The Green Man

Timothy Carlton

Secrets & Spies

Claire Carrie

Ghosts of Christmas Past

Terence Carrigan

Death's Shadow

Nancy Carroll

Hidden Depths
The Great & The Good

Frank Carson

Stranglers Wood

John Carson

Death & the Divas

Eric Carte

Fit for Murder

Jim Carter

The Fisher King

John Carter

Death of a Hollow Man

Bertie Carvel

The Great & The Good

John Cater

The Animal Within

Daniel Casey

Regular Cast

Raquel Cassidy

The Dark Rider

John Castle

The Kings Crystal

Rosie Cavaliero

A Worm in the Bud
A Vintage Murder

Henry Cavill

The Green Man

Jonathan Cecil

The Glitch

Peter Cellier

A Talent for Life

Tom Chadbon

Garden of Death

Jean Challis

Painted in Blood

Beth Chalmers

Blood Wedding

Simon Chandler

Garden of Death
The Glitch

Paul Chapman

Faithful Unto Death
The Great & The Good

Sean Chapman

Second Sight

Rebecca Charles

Hidden Depths

Geoffrey Chater

Orchis Fatalis

Debbie Chazen

Stranglers Wood
Midsomer Life

Jeremy Child

Murder on St. Malley's Day

Jack Chissick

A Tale of Two Hamlets

Nadine Chowdhry

Habeas Corpus

William Chubb

Ghosts of Christmas Past

Jemma Churchill

Birds of Prey

Darren Clarke

Death in the Slow Lane

Prue Clarke

Dark Autumn

Warren Clarke

The Night of the Stag

James Clay

The Dark Rider

Edward Clayton

Birds of Prey
Echoes of the Dead

Louisa Clein

The Dark Rider

Pandora Clifford

Death & the Divas

Richard Clifford

Death in the Slow Lane

Sian Clifford

Schooled in Murder

Richard Clothier

Tainted Fruit
Vixen's Run

Duncan Clyde

Down Among the Dead Men

Jeremy Clyde

Stranglers Wood

Camille Coduri

The Noble Art

Lucy Cohu

The Sword of Guillaume

Christina Cole

The Silent Land

George Cole

Shot at Dawn

Stephanie Cole

Death & Dust

Dominic Colenso

Ghosts of Christmas Past

Michael Colgan

A Sacred Trust

Kenneth Colley

Electric Vendetta

Charles Collingwood

Tainted Fruit

Michelle Collins

The Incident at Coopers Hill

Olivia Colman

Small Mercies

Beatrice Comins

The Night of the Stag

Elizabeth Conboy

Death & Dust

Charlie Condou

Bantling Boy

Louisa Connolly Burnham

Left for Dead

Neil Conrich

The Killings at Badger's Drift
Death's Shadow
Stranglers Wood
Beyond the Grave
Birds of Prey

Ron Cook

Echoes of the Dead

Emma Cooke

Blood on the Saddle

Garry Cooper

Things that Go Bump in the Night

Rowena Cooper

Blood Will Out

Trevor Cooper

Birds of Prey

Paul Copley

Let Us Prey

Rory Copus

Ghosts of Christmas Past

Richard Cordery

The Straw Woman
The Killings of Copenhagen

John Cording

Death in Chorus

Allan Corduner

A Rare Bird

Charlotte Cornwell

The Dagger Club

Judy Cornwell

Death in Disguise

Phil Cornwell

The Flying Club

Terence Corrigan

Dead Man's 11

James Cosmo

The Axeman Cometh

George Costigan

The Creeper

Oliver Cotton

Midsomer Rhapsody

Raymond Coulthard

The Maid in Splendour

Charlie Covell

Shot at Dawn

Alex Cox

The Maid in Splendour

Arthur Cox

Blue Herrings

Julie Cox

The Sicilian Defence

Nathalie Cox

The Creeper

Jolyon Coy

A Dying Art

Jonathan Coy

Destroying Angel

Jolyon Coy

Ella Al-Khalil Coyle

A Rare Bird

Wendy Craig

A Worm in the Bud

Hilary Crane

Death of a Hollow Man
Painted in Blood

Sam Crane

Murder on St. Malley's Day

Kenneth Cranham

Blood on the Saddle

Elizabeth Crarer

The Oblong Murders

Gemma Craven

Shot at Dawn

Bernard Cribbins

The Flying Club

Ben Crompton

Left for Dead

Michael Cronin

Death of a Hollow Man

Anna Cropper

Death's Shadow

Annette Crosbie

Sauce for the Goose

David Crow

Midsomer Life

Graham Crowden

Ring Out Your Dead

Daniel Crowder

Bad Tidings

Dermot Crowley

Down Among the Dead Men

Marty Cruickshank

Orchis Fatalis

Jack Crutch

Country Matters
The Oblong Murders

Kate Crutchley

The Magician's Nephew

Rosalie Crutchley

The Killings at Badger's Drift

Jonathan Cullen

A Talent for Life

Emma Cunniffe

Blood Wedding
Habeas Corpus

Julian Curry

Things that Go Bump in the Night

Niamh Cusack

Days of Misrule

Sinead Cusack

Death & the Divas

Henry Ian Cusick

The Fisher King



Ifan Huw Dafydd

Dance with the Dead

Charles Daish

Written in the Stars

Janet Dale

Death of a Stranger

Jennie Dale

The Incident at Coopers Hill

Helen Dallimore

Last Years Model

Niamh Daly

Destroying Angel

Peter-Hugo Daly

The Maid in Splendour

Phil Daniels

The Noble Art

Amy Darcy

Electric Vendetta

Edward Davenport

Dance with the Dead

Nigel Davenport

Blue Herrings

Eleanor David

Tainted Fruit

Joanna David

Written in Blood
A Sacred Trust

Peter Davison

Secrets & Spies

Debbie Davies

The Great & The Good

Eileen Davies

Death's Shadow
Dead Man's 11

Emma Davies

A Sacred Trust

Rachael Davies

The Axeman Cometh

Phil Davis

The Axeman Cometh

Robert Daws

Hidden Depths

Nicholas Day

The Dogleg Murders

Simon Day

The Oblong Murders

Jamie de Courcey

Ring Out Your Dead

Luke de Woolfson

Murder on St. Malley's Day

Julia Deakin

Midsomer Rhapsody

Felcity Dean

Dead Man's 11
Dance with the Dead

Janie Dee

A Worm in the Bud

Sean Delaney

Harvest of Souls

Tim Delap

The Kings Crystal

Daniela Denby-Ashe

The Noble Art

Les Dennis

The Christmas Haunting

Elizabeth Dermot-Welsh

Blood Wedding

Hari Dhillon

Breaking the Chain

Janet Dibley

Master Class

Hugh Dickson

Bantling Boy

Richard Dillane

Schooled in Murder

Kirsty Dillon

Death & Dust
They Seek Him Here
Death in a Chocolate Box
Shot at Dawn
Blood Wedding
Left for Dead
Fit for Murder

Lisa Dillon

Murder of Innocence

Sophia di Martino

Breaking the Chain

Shaun Dingwall

Fit for Murder

Paola Dionisotti

The Great & The Good

Sophie Dix

Fit for Murder

Monica Dolan

The Great & The Good

Francois Domange

Picture of Innocence

Pip Donaghy

Death in a Chocolate Box

Elaine Donnelly

Garden of Death
Bad Tidings
The Maid in Splendour

Shaun Dooley

Left for Dead

Edna Dore

Death in the Slow Lane

Michele Dotrice

Faithful unto Death

Matthew Douglas

The Noble Art

Freda Dowie

The Animal Within

Amgela Down

Blue Herrings
The Creeper

Jane Downs

A Talent for Life

Kevin Doyle

Ghosts of Christmas Past
The Oblong Murders

Susannah Doyle

The Fisher King

Poppy Drayton

The Killings of Copenhagen

Tyger Drew-Honey

Wild Harvest

James Dreyfus

A Rare Bird

Keith Drinkel

Death in a Chocolate Box

David Driver

Sauce for the Goose

Ian Driver

A Worm in the Bud

Patrick Drury

Who Killed Cock Robin
Death in Chorus

Lucinda Dryzek

Wild Harvest

Carmen du Sautay

Ring Out Your Dead

Sharon Duce

Murder of Innocence

Nick Dumming

Death's Shadow

Kate Duchene

Garden of Death

Neil Dudgeon

Garden of Death
The Sword of Guillaume
Fit for Murder

Noma Dumezweni

Murder by Magic

Sandra Duncan

Dead in the Water

Andrew Dunn

The Green Man

Richard Durden

A Talent for Life

Barbara Durkin

Painted in Blood

Jason Durr

Fit for Murder

John Duttine

Blood Will Out

Simon Dutton

Dark Secrets

Tim Dutton

Death in the Slow Lane

Jamine Duvitski

Death of a Hollow Man

Gemma Dyllen

Fit for Murder



Charles Edwards

Blood Wedding

Rob Edwards

Down Among the Dead Men

Rebecca Egan

The House in the Woods

Lisa Eichhorn

The Animal Within

Tom Eilenberg

Stranglers Wood

Avril Elgar

The Killings at Badger's Drift

Marc Elliott

Wild Harvest

Lisa Ellis

Destroying Angel

Tom Ellis

Midsomer Rhapsody

Claudia Elmhirst

Secrets & Spies

Michael Elwyn

The House in the Woods

Charlotte Emmerson

Down Among the Dead Men

Susan Engel

Sins of Commission
Death in the Slow Lane

Nikhita Essex

Harvest of Souls

Andree Evans

The House in the Woods

Daniel Evans

Death & Dust

Roger Evans

Midsomer Life

Steve Evets

The Incident at Coopers Hill

Peter Eyre

Stranglers Wood
Picture of Innocence



Caroline Faber

Judgement Day
The House in the Woods

Christopher Fairbank

Death in a Chocolate Box

Michelle Fairley

The Noble Art

Lynn Farleigh

Picture of Innocence

Adam Farr

They Seek Him Here

Colin Farrell

Death in Disguise

Nick Farrell

Stranglers Wood

Tanya Fear

The Incident at Coopers Hill

Michael Feast

Death in Disguise

Will Featherstone

Shot at Dawn

Pam Ferris

Echoes of the Dead

Susan Field

Dead Man's 11

Emma Fielding

The Silent Land

Susannah Fielding

The Silent Land

Deborah Findlay

Blue Herrings
Murder by Magic

Ann Firbank

The Black Book

David Firth

The Kings Crystal

Jonathan Firth

The Killings at Badger's Drift

Tom Fisher

The Oblong Murders

Alison Fiske

Electric Vendetta

Michael Fitzgerald

Death in Chorus
The Magician's Nephew

Ian Fitzgibbon

Death of a Hollow Man

Marsha Fitzlan

Judgement Day

Richard Fleeshman

Master Class

James Fleet

Sauce for the Goose

Kate Fleetwood

Midsomer Rhapsody

Diane Fletcher

Death of a Stranger

Nick Fletcher

Days of Misrule
The Dogleg Murders

Barbara Flynn

The Oblong Murders

Matthew Flynn

Hidden Depths
Left for Dead

Julia Ford

Bantling Boy

Mick Ford

Who Killed Cock Robin

Oliver Ford Davies

Hidden Depths

Terry Forrestal

Death's Shadow

Brigit Forsyth

The Magician's Nephew

Wayne Foskett

A Vintage Murder

Cate Fowler

Death in the Slow Lane

Edward Fox

Dark Secrets

Grahame Fox

Death in the Slow Lane

James Fox

Master Class

Jesse Fox

Schooled in Murder

Kerry Fox

The Dark Rider

Philip Fox

Death & Dreams

Maroussia Frank

The Great & The Good

John Franklyn-Robbins

Vixen's Run

Philip Franks

A Talent for Life

Shelagh Fraser

Judgement Day

Tom Frederic

Second Sight

Paul Freeman

Down Among the Dead Men

Geoffrey Freshwater

Bantling Boy

Rebecca Front

Let Us Prey

Mark Frost

Dead in the Water

Roger Frost

Destroying Angel

Christopher Fulford

The Black Book

Isabella Furst

Dance with the Dead



Bernard Gallagher

Birds of Prey

Gus Gallangher

Days of Misrule

David Gant

A Dying Art

Jared Garfield

The House in the Woods

Eli Garnett

Country Matters

Henry Garrett

The Noble Art

Elizabeth Garvie

Blood Will Out

Mark Gatiss

The Sword of Guillaume

William Gaunt

The Maid in Splendour
The Dark Rider

Michael Geary

Picture of Innocence

Donald Gee

Electric Vendetta

Ruth Gemmell

The House in the Woods
A Vintage Murder

Eamon Geoghegan

Painted in Blood

Tricia George

Blood Will Out

Tom Georgeson

Dead Letters

Billy Geraghty

The Sword of Guillaume

Monica Gibb

The Creeper

Matyelok Gibbs

Blue Herrings

Holly Gilbert

The Dogleg Murders

Kenneth Gilbert

Birds of Prey

Alexandra Gilbreath

Birds of Prey

Sears Gilder

The Ballad of Midsomer County

Sally Giles

Fit for Murder

Aden Gillett

The Silent Land
Saints and Sinners

Laura Girling

Death & the Divas

Jeremy Gittins

Shot at Dawn

Fiona Glascott

A Sacred Trust

Sean Gleeson

Harvest of Souls

Robert Glenister

Dark Autumn

Jamie Glover

Last Years Model

Jon Glover

Death in Disguise

Julian Glover

The Killings at Badger's Drift

Emily Gloyens

Last Years Model

Beth Goddard

A Tale of Two Hamlets
Dark Secrets

Daphne Goddard

Blue Herrings

Liza Goddard

Picture of Innocence

Patrick Godfrey

Murder on St. Malley's Day

Simon Godwin

The Killings at Badger's Drift

Stella Gonet

Sins of Commission

Christopher Good

A Tale of Two Hamlets

Robert Goodale

Judgement Day

Caroline Goodall

Dead Letters

Henry Goodman

Death & the Divas

Tom Goodman-Hill

The Magician's Nephew

Hannah Gordon

Judgement Day

Serena Gordon

Market for Murder
Midsomer Life

Gordon Gostelow

Death's Shadow

Harry Gostelow

Birds of Prey
Ghosts of Christmas Past

Jade Gould

Left for Dead

Joss Gower

Dead Man's 11

Helen Grace

Bad Tidings

Nicholas Grace

Judgement Day
The Creeper

Julie Graham

The Sicilian Defence

Richard Graham

Talking to the Dead
Breaking the Chain

Gawn Grainger

The House in the Woods

Rebecca Grant

Breaking the Chain

Thomas Grant

Bantling Boy

Christina Greatrex

The Oblong Murders

James Greene

The Sword of Guillaume

Paul Greenwood

Talking to the Dead

Selina Griffiths

A Vintage Murder

Paul Grunert

They Seek Him Here

Hermone Gulliford

The Glitch

Haydn Gwynne

Ghosts of Christmas Past
Dark Secrets



Jonathan Hackett

Who Killed Cock Robin
The Straw Woman

Harry Hadden-Paton

Written in the Stars

Ellie Haddington

Tainted Fruit

Stephen Hagan

The Ballad of Midsomer County

Daisy Haggard

Echoes of the Dead

David Haig

The Glitch

Esther Hall

Bad Tidings

Rod Hallett

Sauce for the Goose

Annie Hamilton

Talking to the Dead

Cally Hamilton

Dead Letters

Emily Hamilton

They Seek Him Here

Victoria Hamilton

Garden of Death

Terence Handiman

The Fisher King

Scott Handy

Death in Chorus

Alex Hanson

A Rare Bird

Michael N. Harbour

Sins of Commission

Diana Hardcastle

The Killings at Badger's Drift

Robert Hardy

Dead Man's 11

Tim Hardy

Country Matters

Danny Harfield

Left for Dead

Rhiannon Harper-Rafferty

Death & the Divas

Caroline Harker

Market for Murder

Susannah Harker

The Black Book

Tom Harper

Shot at Dawn

Mali Harries

Blue Herrings

Tom Rhys Harries

A Vintage Murder

Richard Harrington

Blood on the Saddle

Amanda Harris

Orchis Fatalis

Claudia Harrison

The Sleeper under the Hill

Nigel Harrison

Electric Vendetta
Death in a Chocolate Box

Daniel Hart

Death in Disguise

Zoe Hart

Dead Man's 11

Terence Harvey

Tainted Fruit

Stewart Harwood

Bantling Boy

Giles Havergal

Last Years Model

Andrew Havill

The Night of the Stag

Andrew Hawkins

Four Funerals & A Wedding

Richard Hawley

The Night of the Stag

Tony Haygarth

Destroying Angel
The Kings Crystal
A Rare Bird

James Hazeldine

A Talent for Life

Sam Hazeldine

The Axeman Cometh
Death & Dust
Death in a Chocolate Box
Blood Wedding

Dorian Healy

Country Matters

Mary Healey

Death in Disguise
Midsomer Life

Mark Heap

The Christmas Haunting

Vivian Heilbron

The Magician's Nephew

Polly Hemmingway

Who Killed Cock Robin
Down Among the Dead Men

Patricia Henegan

Death of a Hollow Man

David Henry

Dance with the Dead
The Kings Crystal

Guy Henry

Last Years Model

John Henshaw

The Sicilian Defence

Nicky Henson

Dark Autumn
They Seek Him Here

Jeanne Hepple

Death of a Stranger

Bernard Hepton

Death of a Hollow Man

Martin Herdman

The Straw Woman

Sam Heughan

The Kings Crystal

Siobhan Hewlett

The Maid in Splendour

Charlie Hicks

A Worm in the Bud

Greg Hicks

The Night of the Stag

Michael Higgs

Harvest of Souls

Clare Higgins

Midsomer Rhapsody
Death in a Chocolate Box

Colin Higgins

Painted in Blood

Jennifer Hilary

Death of a Stranger

Daniel Hill

Midsomer Life

Dave Hill

The Maid in Splendour

Naomi Hill

Vixen's Run

Rupert Hill

Murder of Innocence

Paul Hilton

The Oblong Murders

James Hoare

Second Sight

Ian Hogg

A Worm in the Bud

Caroline Holdaway

Destroying Angel

Kobna Holdbrook-Smith

The Dagger Club

Rupert Holliday Evans

The Silent Land

John Hollingworth

A Dying Art

Clare Holman

Ring Out Your Dead
Country Matters

Michelle Holmes

Harvest of Souls

Lucy-Anne Homes

Four Funerals & A Wedding

Jane Hon

Murder on St. Malley's Day

Clemmie Hooton

Dead Letters

Richard Hope

Judgement Day
They Seek Him Here

William Hope

The Animal Within

John Hopkins

Regular Cast

Matthew Hopkinson

Murder of Innocence

Vicki Hopps

Hidden Depths

Gerard Horan

Let Us Prey

Cara Horgan

A Dying Art

David Horovitch

The Axeman Cometh

Rosa Hoskins

Last Years Model

Clarista Hoult

A Worm in the Bud

Alan Howard

Dark Autumn

James Howard

Blood Wedding

Laura Howard

Regular Cast

Ursula Howells

Electric Vendetta

Anthony Howes

Stranglers Wood

Roy Hudd

Let us Prey

Martin Hudson

Picture of Innocence

Jason Hughes

Regular Cast

Tara Hugo

Stranglers Wood

Peter Hugo-Daly

The Dogleg Murders

Francesca Hunt

The Oblong Murders

Kelly Hunter

The Straw Woman

Sophie Hunter

The Maid in Splendour

Noah Huntley

Who Killed Cock Robin
The Sleeper under the Hill

Sarah Huntley

Talking to the Dead

Geoffrey Hutchings

Death of a Hollow Man
The Dogleg Murders

Derek Hutchinson

Down Among the Dead Men
Dance with the Dead

Lloyd Hutchinson

Shot at Dawn

Marcus Hutton

The Killings of Copenhagen

Richard Huw

Death of a Hollow Man

Jonathan Hyde

A Tale of Two Hamlets




Grant Ibbs

Shot at Dawn

William Ilkley

Death & Dust

Celia Imrie

Dark Autumn

George Innes

Who Killed Cock Robin

Kenny Ireland

Written in the Stars

Paul Ireland

Dead Letters

George Irving

A Sacred Trust


Barry Jackson

Regular Cast

Jenny Jackson

Dead Letters

Philip Jackson

The Glitch

Stephanie Jacob

Last Years Model
Secrets & Spies

Jaye Jacobs

A Vintage Murder

Paula Jacobs

Murder on St. Malley's Day

Geraldine James

Fit for Murder

Matthew James Thomas

Master Class

Jonathan Jaynes

The Night of the Stag

Michael Jayston

Let Us Prey

Barbara Jefford

Judgement Day
The Creeper

Sue Jenkins

Death in a Chocolate Box

Paula Jennings

The Black Book

Dominic Jephcott

Death's Shadow
Four Funerals & A Wedding

Paul Jesson

Blood Will Out
Talking to the Dead

Edward Jewesbury

Destroying Angel

Caroline John

Blue Herrings

Karl Johnson

Sauce for the Goose

Richard Johnson

Death of a Stranger
The Animal Within

Rebecca Johnston

A Tale of Two Hamlets
Vixen's Run

Scarlett Alice Johnson

The Flying Club

Eila Jones

Dead Man's 11

Freddie Jones

The Maid in Splendour

Gemma Jones

Ring Out Your Dead

Lucie Jones

The Ballad of Midsomer County

Nicholas Jones

The Killings of Copenhagen

Oliver Kieran-Jones

The Creeper

Peter Jones

Faithful unto Death

Rufus Jones

Talking to the Dead

Ruth Jones

Bad Tidings

Toby Jones

Stranglers Wood
Dead Man's 11
Death of a Stranger
Judgement Day

Peter Jordan

The Killings at Badger's Drift

Ann Eleanora Jorgensen

The Killings of Copenhagen

Emily Joyce

A Worm in the Bud
The Christmas Haunting



Christine Kavanagh

Down Among the Dead Men

Barnaby Kay

Bantling Boy
Written in the Stars

Charles Kay

Death in Disguise
Vixen's Run

Paul Kaye

The Great & The Good

Gillian Kearney

Dark Autumn

Michael Keating

The Dogleg Murders

Andrew Keelan

Vixen's Run

Will Keen

Second Sight

Daisy Keeping

Death in the Slow Lane

Sam Kelly

Down Among the Dead Men

Merelina Kendall

Electric Vendetta
Murder by Magic

Matt Kennard

Wild Harvest

Joseph Kennedy

Four Funerals & A Wedding

Diana Kent

The Fisher King

Ford Kenyon

The Axeman Cometh

Sara Kestelman

Hidden Depths

Gwyneth Keyworth

Death in the Slow Lane

Josie Kidd

Death in the Slow Lane

Melanie Kilburn

Echoes of the Dead

David Killick

Blue Herrings

Jacqueline King

The Flying Club

Jamie King

The Green Man

Nicola King

The Green Man

Rowena King

The Sicilian Defence

Shirley King

Garden of Death

Miranda Kingsley

Blue Herrings

Adam Kirley

Days of Misrule

Oona Kirsch

The Dagger Club

Jack Klaff

Dead in the Water

Natalie Klamar

The Night of the Stag

Ian Knight

Vixen's Run

Alice Knight

Dead Letters

Rosalind Knight

Birds of Prey
A Sacred Trust

Tom Knight

A Sacred Trust

Will Knightley

A Talent for Life
The Oblong Murders

Arthur Kohn

Down Among the Dead Men

Nicolaj Kopernikus

The Killings of Copenhagen

Adam Kotz

A Worm in the Bud
The Dagger Club

Jeroen Krabbé

Talking to the Dead

Alice Krige

Secrets & Spies

Simon Kunz

Bantling Boy
The Dagger Club



Hattie Ladbury

Four Funerals & A Wedding

Ben Lamb

Breaking the Chain

Larry Lamb

Who Killed Cock Robin

Rebecca Lamb

Down Among the Dead Men

Annie Lambert

The Axeman Cometh

James Lance

The Dagger Club

Andrew Lancel

Painted in Blood

Belinda Lang

Garden of Death

Robert Lang

Destroying Angel

Gordon Langford-Rowe

Destroying Angel

Caroline Langrishe

Blood on the Saddle

Jane Lapotaire

Who Killed Cock Robin

Caroline Laskowska

Hidden Depths
Left for Dead

James Laurenson

Beyond the Grave

Phyllida Law

Blood Will Out
Dark Secrets

Amanda Lawrence

A Rare Bird

Dilys Laye

Market for Murder

Rosemary Leach

Destroying Angel

Richard Leaf

The Sleeper under the hill

Francis Lee

The House in the Woods

Gwilym Lee

Regular cast from

Geof Leesley

Dance with the Dead

Announshka Le Gallois

Written in Blood

Nicholas Le Prevost

Death of a Hollow Man
The Dogleg Murders

Oliver Le Sueur

The Creeper

Syvestra Le Touzel

Beyond the Grave
Master Class

Barbara Leigh-Hunt

Market for Murder

Margot Leicester

Sins of Commission

Victoria Lennox

Orchis Fatalis
Vixen's Run
The Black Book
The Silent Land

Lydia Leonard

Ghosts of Christmas Past

Stephanie Leonidas

Murder by Magic

Anton Lesser

Birds of Prey
Talking to the Dead

Lucy Liemann

Schooled in Murder

John Lightbody

Hidden Depths
Death & Dust

Denis Lill

A Dying Art

Delia Lindsay

Dead Man's 11

Helen Lindsay

Bad Tidings

Josef Lindsay

Dead Letters
Secrets & Spies

Nigel Lindsay

Painted in Blood

Richard Lintern

Picture of Innocence

Caroline Lintott

Death in Disguise
Ring Out Your Dead
The Straw Woman

Maureen Lipman

Written in the Stars

Lloyd Ralf Little

Saints and Sinners

Jenny Livesey

Death & Dust

Sydney Livingstone

A Talent for Life
Days of Misrule

Olivia Llewellyn

Blood Wedding

Daniel Llewelyn-Williams

The Noble Art

Bernard Lloyd

The Night of the Stag

Gabrielle Lloyd

Who Killed Cock Robin
The Silent Land
Saints and Sinners

Dugald Bruce Lockhart

Ring out your Dead

Thomas Lockyer

Midsomer Life

Nancy Lodder

Written in Blood

Phyllis Logan

Stranglers Wood

Monserrat Lombard

Picture of Innocence

Ray Lonnen

The Kings Crystal

Alex Lowe

A Tale of Two Hamlets

Andrea Lowe

Let Us Prey

Charlie Lucas

The House in the Woods

Charlotte Lucas

Shot at Dawn

Adrian Lukas

Dead in the Water

Adrian Lukis

The Killings of Copenhagen

Richard Lumsden

The Sicilian Defence

Cherie Lunghi

The Green Man
A Dying Art

Zoot Lyaman

Written in Blood

Damien Lyne

Sins of Commission

David Lyon

Midsomer Rhapsody



Kate Maberly

Dark Autumn

Polly Maberly

Who Killed Cock Robin

Cal Macaninch

The Sicilian Defence

Alastair MacKenzie

Habeas Corpus

Georgia Mackenzie

Murder of Innocence

Martha Mackintosh

A Sacred Trust

Edward Macliam

Saints and Sinners

Carol Macready

Vixen's Run

Phillip Madoc

The Axeman Cometh

Francis Magee

The Night of the Stag

Grant Masters

Down Among the Dead Men

John McAndrew

Country Matters

Hazel McBride

Midsomer Life

Richard McCabe

Four Funerals & A Wedding

Maggie McCarthy

Destroying Angel

Neil McCaul

Wild Harvest

Sanchia McCormack

Small Mercies

Alec McCowan

Electric Vendetta

Martine McCutcheon

Schooled in Murder

Joe McGann

Breaking the Chain

Alan McKenna

Murder by Magic

Julia McKenzie

Down Among the Dead Men

Belinda McGinley

The Incident at Coopers Hill

Sean McGinley

Who Killed Cock Robin

Philip McGough

Bantling Boy

John McGlynn

Tainted Fruit

Anna McGuire

Death & Dreams

Lloyd McGuire

Four Funerals & A Wedding

Rosemary McHale

The Magician's Nephew

Lizzy MacInnerny

Sauce for the Goose

Tim McInnerney

The Sword of Guillaume

Jack McIntosh

The House in the Woods

Robert Mcintosh

Death of a Hollow Man

Abigail McKern

Destroying Angel
Dark Secrets

Ben MacLeod

Destroying Angel

Marian McLoughlin

Dark Autumn
They Seek Him Here

Ciaran Mcmenamin

Habeas Corpus

Kevin McNally

Blood Will Out
The Noble Art

Ian McNeice

Who Killed Cock Robin

Hilton MacRae

Bad Tidings

Dominic Mafham

Death of a Stranger

Sara Mair-Thomas

Tainted Fruit

Tamzin Malleson

Regular Cast from The Sleeper under the Hill

David Mallinson

Painted in Blood

Michael Maloney

Master Class

Janet Man

Murder on St. Malley's Day

Tom Mannion

Sins of Commission

Lesley Manville

Fit for Murder

Rosalind March

The Ballad of Midsomer County

Stephen Marcus

The Night of the Stag

Nina Mare

Bad Tidings

Kika Markham

Blood on the Saddle

Linda Marlowe

Who Killed Cock Robin

Matthew Marsh

Painted in Blood
They Seek Him Here

Lyndsey Marshal

Ring Out Your Dead

James Richard Marshall

Death in the Slow Lane

Mel Martin

Ghosts of Christmas Past

Roger Martin

Murder on St. Malley's Day

Philip Martin Brown

Days of Misrule

Bob Mason

Murder on St. Malley's Day

Margery Mason

Ghosts of Christmas Past

Anna Massey

Written in Blood
Secrets & Spies

Helen Masters

The Animal Within

Sally Mates

The Green Man

Bryan Matheson

Ghosts of Christmas Past
The Axeman Cometh

Alex Matton

The House in the Woods

Janet Maw

Birds of Prey

Anna Maxwell-Martin

Murder on St. Malley's Day

Ava May

They Seek Him Here

Charmian May

Electric Vendetta

Gracie May

They Seek Him Here

Rik Mayall

The Creeper

Ben Mayjes

The House in the Woods

Amanda Mealing

Electric Vendetta

Oliver Mellor

Fit for Murder

Christopher Mellows

Dead in the Water
Murder of Innocence

Murray Melvin

The Dark Rider

Natalie Mendoza

The Dark Rider

Tobias Menzies

Judgement Day

Ifan Meredith

Dark Secrets

Clive Merrison

Painted in Blood
Habeas Corpus

Jamie Michie

Murder of Innocence

Frank Middlemass

Midsomer Rhapsody

Sarah Middleton

Habeas Corpus

Kate Miles

Left for Dead

Pamela Miles

Tainted Fruit

Charles Millham

Ghosts of Christmas Past
Hidden Depths
Last Years Model

Stuart Milligan

Country Matters

Frank Mills

Down Among the Dead Men
Country Matters

Hayley Mills

Wild Harvest

Liberty Mills

The Dagger Club

Joseph Millson

Days of Misrule

Valerie Minifie

Garden of Death

Ian Mitchell

The Black Book

Sid Mitchell

Death in the Slow Lane

Fiona Mollison

They Seek Him Here

Dearbhla Molly

Things that Go Bump in the Night

Flora Montgomery

The Kings Crystal

Bill Moody

Death & Dust

Alexandra Moon

Second Sight

Charlotte Moore

They Seek Him Here

Christine Moore

Bad Tidings

Deborah Moore

The Great & The Good

Jonathan Moore

They Seek Him Here

Viviene Moore

Death of a Hollow Man

Hattie Morahan

Schooled in Murder

Nick Moran

Blood Will Out

Richard Morant

Midsomer Life

Francine Morgan

Death in the Slow Lane

Robert Morgan

Birds of Prey
Shot at Dawn

Sharon Morgan

Death & Dust

Wendy Morgan

Death in a Chocolate Box

Naoko Mori

A Vintage Murder

Eleanor Moriarty

Electric Vendetta

Alexandra Morris

Days of Misrule

Ann Morrish

Four Funerals & A Wedding

Jackie Morrison

Country Matters

Emily Mortimer

The Killings at Badger's Drift

Stephen Moyer

Death in Disguise

Abbie Mukleen

Regular Cast from Habeas Corpus onwards

Georgia Mukleen

Regular Cast from Habeas Corpus onwards

Deirdre Mullins

The Noble Art

Annabel Mullion

Vixen's Run

Tom Mullion

Faithful unto Death

Caroline Munro

Death & the Divas

Glen Murphy

The Noble Art

Katy Murphy

A Tale of Two Hamlets

James Murray

The Christmas Haunting

James Musgrave

The Glitch

Joseph Mydell

Habeas Corpus

Harry Myers

Master Class



Luke Neal

The Dogleg Murders

John Nettles

Regular Cast

John Nettleton

Orchis Fatalis

Daniel Newman

Written in Blood

Paul Nicholls

A Rare Bird

Phoebe Nicholls

A Tale of Two Hamlets

Chris Nightingale

The Flying Club

Kimberley Nixon

Fit for Murder

Pippa Nixon

Saints and Sinners

John Normington

Bad Tidings

Jim Norton

The Glitch

Steve North

Picture of Innocence

Anna Northam

Painted in Blood



Robert Oates

Who Killed Cock Robin

Samuel Oatley

Midsomer Life

Clare Obermann

The Great & The Good

Terry O'Brien

Tainted Fruit

Richard O'Callaghan

Bantling Boy

Siobham O'Carroll

Death in Disguise

James O’Dee

Death in the Slow Lane

Lauren O'Neil

Harvest of Souls

Con O'Neill

Schooled in Murder

Maggie O'Neill

The Straw Woman

Leon Ockenden

The Maid in Splendour

Gavin O'Herlihy

The Black Book

Jonathan Oliver

The Killings at Badger's Drift

Maggie Ollerenshaw

Country Matters
The Dogleg Murders

Stuart Ong

Orchis Fatalis

Steve Oram

The Incident at Coopers Hill

Genevieve O'Reilly

A Rare Bird

Indra Ove

Left for Dead

Julian Ovenden

Dark Secrets

Alexander Owen

Death & the Divas

Lloyd Owen

A Vintage Murder

Daphne Oxenford

Ghosts of Christmas Past
Four Funerals & A Wedding
Blood Wedding



Eileen Page

A Talent for Life

Gemma Page

They Seek Him Here

Clara Paget

Death in the Slow Lane

Simon Paisley Day

Blood Wedding

Nicholas Palliser

Blood Wedding

Toni Palmer

Who Killed Cock Robin

Judy Parfitt

Death's Shadow
Days of Misrule

Cliff Parisi

A Sacred Trust

Brian Parr

Picture of Innocence
Talking to the Dead

Josh Parris

A Sacred Trust

Nikesh Patel

The Christmas Haunting

Alice Patten

Ghosts of Christmas Past

Elizabeth Payne

Talking to the Dead

Harry Peacock

Left for Dead

Trevor Peacock

Midsomer Rhapsody

Tessa Peake-Jones

Faithful unto Death
Breaking the Chain

Fred Pearson

The Green Man

Neil Pearson

Dark Secrets

Ian Peck

A Talent for Life
Picture of Innocence
The Night of the Stag

Laurence Penry-Jones

Electric Vendetta

Peter Penry-Jones

Electric Vendetta

Robert Perkins

The Dogleg Murders

Morris Perry

Dark Autumn
The Kings Crystal

Clarke Peters

The Ballad of Midsomer County

Jeremy Peters

A Worm in the Bud

Edward Petherbridge

Death in a Chocolate Box

Henry Pettigrew

Dance with the Dead

Lucy Phelps

The Flying Club

Jonny Phillips

Country Matters

Leslie Phillips

Painted in Blood

Neville Phillips

Faithful unto Death
Garden of Death
Dark Autumn
Birds of Prey
Vixen's Run
The Black Book

Sian Phillips

Vixen's Run

Robert Pickavance

Death in Disguise

Carolyn Pickles

Blue Herrings

Vivian Pickles

Death's Shadow

Rachel Pickup

The Magician's Nephew

Ronald Pickup

A Tale of Two Hamlets
The Magician's Nephew

Jack Pierce

Murder of Innocence

Royce Pierreson

The Sicilian Defence

Tim Pigott-Smith

Days of Misrule

Steven Pimlott

Ring out your Dead

Madeline Rakic Platt

The Straw Woman

Angela Pleasance

Death of a Hollow Man

Kathryn Pogson

Things that Go Bump in the Night

William Postlethwaite

Let Us Prey

Madeleine Potter

Country Matters

Andrew Lee Potts

Murder by Magic

Andrew Powell

Faithful unto Death

Rachel Power

The Maid in Splendour

Brian Poyser

Tainted Fruit

Tim Preece

A Tale of Two Hamlets

Katherine Press

Master Class

Duncan Preston

Dead Man's 11

Claire Price

Tainted Fruit

Kelly Price

Written in the Stars

Nicholas Pritchard

Birds of Prey
Death & Dust

Sarah Pritchard

Dead Letters

Brian Protheroe

Last Years Model

Robert Pugh

The Sleeper under the Hill

Ian Puleston-Davies

Master Class

Cory Pulman

The Killings at Badger's Drift

Liza Pulman

Dance with the Dead

Lucy Punch

Tainted Fruit

Paul Putner

The Killings at Badger's Drift

Robert Putt

A Talent for Life



Simon Quarterman

Electric Vendetta

Philip Quast (1) ) web links
Philip Quast (2) )

Ghosts of Christmas Past

Suzi Quatro

The Axeman Cometh

John Quayle

Sauce for the Goose

Ann Queensberry

Faithful unto Death

John Quentin

Dark Secrets

Pooky Quesnel

Midsomer Life

Diana Quick

Dead in the Water
Habeas Corpus

Pearce Quigley

Death & the Divas

Niamh Quinn

The Night of the Stag



Soraya Radford

Written in the Stars

Elspeth Rae

Days of Misrule

Malcolm Raeburn

A Talent for Life
Midsomer Rhapsody
Picture of Innocence

Mel Raido

Who Killed Cock Robin

Jon Rake

Destroying Angel
Last Years Model

John Ramm

The Great & The Good

Thomasin Rand

Death & the Divas

Mary Jo Randle

Things that Go Bump in the Night

Jan Ravens

Death & Dreams

Chrstopher Ravenscroft

Market for Murder

Jeff Rawle

A Talent for Life
Dark Secrets

Adrian Rawlins

Tainted Fruit
Echoes of the Dead

Ian Redford

Murder of Innocence

Steve Redgrave (cameo)

Dead in the Water

Nicola Redmond

Dance with the Dead

Siobahn Redmond

Last Years Model

Vincent Regan

Let Us Prey

Saskia Reeves

The Sword of Guillaume
A Dying Art

Anne Reid

A Tale of Two Hamlets

Sheila Reid

Painted in Blood

Charity Reindorp

Blood Wedding

Malolm Rennie

Judgement Day

Amber Rose Revah

Harvest of Souls

Mark Richards

Death & Dreams

Miles Richardson

Tainted Fruit
Country Matters
Fit for Murder

Dominic Rickhards

Country Matters

Derek Riddell

Breaking the Chain

Elizabeth Rider

Habeas Corpus

Fred Ridgeway

Death of a Stranger

Joanna Riding

Vixen's Run

Paul Ridley

The Black Book

Terence Rigby

Dead Man's 11

David Rintoul

Blood on the Saddle

Fay Ripley

The Sicilian Defence

Angela Rippon

The Magician's Nephew

Vivienne Ritchie

Sauce for the Goose

Paul Ritter

The Dark Rider

Oliver Rix

The Flying Club

David Robb

Beyond the Grave

Nia Roberts

Left for Dead

Veronica Roberts

Blood Wedding

Nick Robinson

Death's Shadow

Patrick Robinson

Schooled in Murder

Struan Rodger

Four Funerals & A Wedding

Anton Rogers

Market for Murder

Laura Rogers

Dark Secrets

Marcus Rogers

Written in Blood

Betti Romani

Stranglers Wood

Jemima Rooper

The Straw Woman

Amanda Root

A Talent for Life

David Roper

The Magician's Nephew

Alison Rose

A Talent for Life

Clifford Rose

Master Class

David Ross

Garden of Death
Sauce for the Goose

Hugh Ross

The Dogleg Murders
A Sacred Trust

Lee Ross

The Sleeper under the Hill

Jack Roth

The Silent Land

Joanna Roth

The Glitch

Laila Rouass

The Flying Club

Dominic Rowan

The Magician's Nephew

Nicholas Rowe

The Fisher King
The Sicilian Defence

Sheila Ruskin

Vixen's Run

Clive Russell

Secrets & Spies

Grant Russell

The Dagger Club

Jonah Russell

The Christmas Haunting

Lucy Russell

Hidden Depths

David Ryall

Small Mercies

Amanda Ryan

The Creeper

Daniel Ryan

Blood on the Saddle

Helen Ryan

Orchis Fatalis

Oliver Ryan

The Kings Crystal
The Oblong Murders

Emma Rydal

Harvest of Souls

Joseph Rye

The Kings Crystal

Patrick Ryecart

The Night of the Stag



Hugh Sachs

The Kings Crystal

Liza Sadovy

Things that Go Bump in the Night

Stuart St Paul

The Ballad of Midsomer County

Rebecca Saire

The Fisher King

Justin Salinger

Murder by Magic

Benedict Sandiford

Sauce for the Goose

Julia Sawalha

Saints and Sinners

Prunella Scales

Beyond the Grave

Joanna Scanlon

The Killings of Copenhagen

Adrian Scarborough

Ring out your Dead
Picture of Innocence
A Dying Art

Joe Scatley

Murder of Innocence

Helen Schlesinger

Harvest of Souls

Judith Scott

Written in Blood

William Scott-Mason

Dead in the Water

Joseph Seatley

Left for Dead

Graham Seed

Shot at Dawn
The Dogleg Murders

Tony Selby

The Silent Land

John Sessions

Painted in Blood

Shaughan Seymour

Four Funerals & A Wedding
The Glitch

Victoria Shalet

Murder on St. Malley's Day
The Black Book

Sheila Shand-Gibbs

Birds of Prey

David Shaw-Parker

Vixen's Run

Ruth Sheen

Saints and Sinners

Greg Sheffield

The House in the Woods
The Oblong Murders

Paul Shelley

The Creeper

Jack Shepherd

Murder by Magic

Susan Sheridan

A Sacred Trust

Justin Shevlin

The Sleeper under the Hill

John Shrapnel

Written in Blood
Death in Chorus

Lex Shrapnel

The Flying Club

David Sibley

The Silent Land

Marlene Sidaway

The Killings at Badger's Drift
Written in Blood
Death's Shadow
Judgement Day

Michael Simkins

Bad Tidings

Cat Simmons

A Dying Art

Charles Simon

Beyond the Grave

Josette Simon

Last Years Model

Richard Simpson

Orchis Fatalis

Belinda Sinclair

Midsomer Rhapsody

Malcolm Sinclair

Beyond the Grave
Shot at Dawn
Saints and Sinners

Donald Sinden

Shot at Dawn

Alison Skilbeck

The Dogleg Murders

Jonathan Slinger

Things that Go Bump in the Night

Chris Sloman

Midsomer Life

Roger Sloman

Beyond the Grave

Sharon Small

Wild Harvest

Sarah Smart

Echoes of the Dead

Anthony Smee

Orchis Fatalis

Mossie Smith

Death's Shadow

Tom Smith

Death of a Stranger

Cyril Snaps

Stranglers Wood
Blue Herrings

Shuna Snow

Destroying Angel

Perri Snowdon

Blood Wedding

Robin Soans

Hidden Depths
The Sword of Guillaume

Birgitte Hjort Sorensen

The Killings of Copenhagen

Steve Speirs

Sauce for the Goose

Alyson Spiro

Days of Misrule

Elizabeth Spriggs

The Killings at Badgers Drift
Dead Letters

Linda Spurrier

Things that Go Bump in the Night

Dinah Stabb

Painted in Blood

Jack Staddon

Breaking the Chain

James Staddon

The Magician's Nephew

Anne Stallybrass

Stranglers Wood

John Standing

Bad Tidings
The Dogleg Murders

Josh Stanley

Shot at Dawn

Tim Stanmore

The Black Book

Emma Stansfield

Small Mercies

Chris Stanton

Beyond the Grave

Sophie Stanton

Faithful unto Death
The Oblong Murders

Katherine Stark

Garden of Death

Imelda Staunton

Dead Man's 11

Maggie Stead

Judgement Day
Left for Dead
Schooled in Murder

Alison Steadman

The Incident at Coopers Hill

Jonty Stephens

Death & Dreams

Debra Stephenson

Death of a Hollow Man

Jessica Stephenson

The Killings at Badger's Drift

Gerda Stevenson

Market for Murder

Bill Stewart

Second Sight

Sara Stewart

Death in Chorus
The Flying Club

Malcolm Stoddard

The Animal Within

Jo Stone-Fewings

A Tale of Two Hamlets

Sophie Stone

The Sicilian Defence

Malcolm Storry

Who Killed Cock Robin
Blood on the Saddle

Geoffrey Streatfield

Orchis Fatalis

Una Stubbs

Written in Blood
The Dagger Club

Sophie Stuckey

Country Matters

Neil Stuke

Secrets & Spies

Matilda Sturridge

Small Mercies

Trudie Styler

Stranglers Wood

Eleanor Summerfield

Faithful unto Death

Donald Sumpter

Sins of Commission

Janet Suzman

The Sword of Guillaume

Roger Swaine

A Talent for Life

Robert Swann

Written in Blood

Julia Swift

Ring out your Dead

Meera Syal

Harvest of Souls

Alice Sykes

Death & the Divas

Richard Syms

Destroying Angel



Ian Talbot

Hidden Depths

Ian Targett

Small Mercies

Colin Tarrant

The Sleeper under the Hill

Alwyne Taylor

Faithful unto Death
Beyond the Grave
Death in Chorus
Death & Dust

Georgia Taylor

The Dagger Club

Gwen Taylor

Ring out your Dead

Jay Taylor

Written in the Stars

Josephine Taylor

The Glitch

Julie Teal

Murder of Innocence

Owen Teale

Second Sight

Thom Tell

Murder on St. Malley's Day

Matthew Tennyson

Vixen's Run

Malcolm Terris

Echoes of the Dead

Josephine Tewson

Judgement Day

Abigail Thaw

Small Mercies

Bill Thomas

Judgement Day
The Magician's Nephew

Elizabeth Thomas

Blood Will Out

Gareth Thomas

Death & Dust

Matthew James Thomas

Master Class

Olivia Thomas

The Magician's Nephew

William Thomas

Death & Dust

Sian Thomas

Four Funerals & A Wedding

Ian Thompson

Blood Will Out

Kim Thompson

Dark Autumn

Michael Thompson

Harvest of Souls

Sophie Thompson

Dead Letters

Angela Thorne

Market for Murder

Jane Thorne

Echoes of the Dead

Paul Thornley

The Green Man
Bad Tidings

Thomas Thoroe

The Killings of Copenhagen

Harriett Thorpe

Dance with the Dead

Andrew Tiernan

Picture of Innocence

Colin Tierney

Blue Herrings

Malcolm Tierney

The Fisher King

Darren Tighe

The Sword of Guillaume

Ramon Tikaram

A Dying Art

Danielle Tilley

A Tale of Two Hamlets

Heather Tobias

The Oblong Murders

Richard Todd

Birds of Prey

Hannah Tointon

The Christmas Haunting

Francis Tomelty

The Maid in Splendour

Sam Torrence OBE

The Dogleg Murders - Guest appearance

Pip Torrens

Blood on the Saddle
The Incident at Coopers Hill

Steve Toussaint

The Incident at Coopers Hill

Katherine Tozer

Blue Herrings

Susan Tracey

Death in Disguise

Susan Tracy

The Kings Crystal

Susie Trayling

The Christmas Haunting

Jamie Treacher

Small Mercies

Tim Treloar

Birds of Prey
Ghosts of Christmas Past
Secrets & Spies

Frederick Treves

Garden of Death

Richard Trinder

Judgement Day
The House in the Woods

David Troughton

Written in Blood
The Animal Within

Caroline Trowbridge

Last Years Model
Picture of Innocence

Michael Tucek

Garden of Death
Painted in Blood

Chole Tucker

Judgement Day

Sion Tudor Owen

Death in a Chocolate Box

Graham Tuner

Death in Disguise

Jessica Turner

Death's Shadow
A Sacred Trust

Elizabethe Tyrrell

Stranglers Wood

Margaret Tyzack

Garden of Death
Small Mercies



Mark Umbers

Sins of Commission
Blood Wedding

Gudrun Ure

Blue Herrings



Julie Agnete Vang

The Killlings of Copenhagen

Rupert Vansittart

Market for Murder
The Axeman Cometh
The Dogleg Murders

Richard Vanstone

Midsomer Rhapsody

Yolanda Vazquez

Who Killed Cock Robin

Paul Venables

A Worm in the Bud

Wanda Ventham

Second Sight

Ronan Vibert

Death in Chorus

Lesley Vickerage

Faithful unto Death

Christoper Villiers

The Killings at Badger's Drift
Death's Shadow

Jay Villiers

They Seek Him Here

Olivia Vinall

Breaking the Chain

Sue Vincent

Dark Secrets

Manjinder Virk

Regular Cast from Habeas Corpus onwards

Paul Viragh

Bantling Boy

Amalia Vitale

A Vintage Murder

Mukleen Kim Vithana

Saints and Sinners

Sandra Voe

Four Funerals & A Wedding



Sasha Waddell

Death & the Divas

Julian Wadham

Death's Shadow
The Creeper

Charity Wakefield

The Oblong Murders

Christine Wakeley

The Sword of Guillaume

Amanda Walker

Dead Man's 11
Tainted Fruit

Chris Walker

A Worm in the Bud

Jack Walker

Secrets & Spies

Tim Wallers

Written in the Stars

Bill Wallis

The Killings at Badger's Drift

Richard Walsh

A Sacred Trust

Harriet Walter

Orchis Fatalis
Death & the Divas

Ruppert Walz

Dark Autumn

Bill Ward

Talking to the Dead

Howard Ward

The Dagger Club

Tom Ward

Destroying Angel

John Warnaby

A Talent for Life

David Warner

Death in the Slow Lane

Marcia Warren

Death in a Chocolate Box

Wendy Wason

Dance with the Dead

Ed Waters

Death of a Hollow Man
Beyond the Grave

Julia Watson

The Sword of Guillaume

June Watson

Death & Dreams

Moray Watson

Judgement Day

Timothy Watson

The Dagger Club

Lizzy Watts

Dance with the Dead

Robin Weaver

The Axeman Cometh

Danny Webb

Dance with the Dead
The Silent Land

Eloise Webb

Schooled in Murder

Mark Webb

They Seek Him Here

Sian Webber

The Incident at Coopers Hill

James Weber Brown

Hidden Depths

Honeysuckle Weeks

Blood Will Out

Perdita Weeks

Death & Dreams

Arabella Weir

Wild Harvest

Albert Welling

Left for Dead

Dolly Wells

Death in Disguise

Martin Wenner

Blood Wedding

Julia West

Destroying Angel

Samuel West

The Animal Within

Timonthy West

Judgement Day

David Westhead

The House in the Woods

Daniel Weyman

The Straw Woman

Daisy Whalley

Harvest of Souls

Leah Whitaker

Death in the Slow Lane

Pauline Whitaker

Sauce for the Goose

Martyn Whitby

Death in a Chocolate Box

Philip Whitchurch

Dark Autumn

Geoffrey Whitehead

Second Sight
The Flying Club

Robert Whitelock

Sins of Commission

June Whitfield

Midsomer Rhapsody
The Flying Club

Nigel Whitmey

The Glitch

Benjamin Whitrow

Tainted Fruit
Secrets & Spies

Stamus Whitty

Ring out your Dead

J. Wickham

A Worm in the Bud

Saskia Wickham

Last Years Model

Victoria Wicks

Sins of Commission
Talking to the Dead

Michael Wildman

A Dying Art

Alan Williams

The Sleeper under the Hill

Lia Williams

The Dagger Club

Simon Williams

Midsomer Life

Abigail Williamson

The House in the Woods

Jerome Willis

Blood Will Out

Lydia Wilson

Master Class

Simon Wilson

Death & Dust

Stuart Wilson

The Magician's Nephew

Anna Wilson-Jones

Bantling Boy
Death & the Divas

Mary Wimbush

Blue Herrings

Frank Windsor

Stranglers Wood

Sarah Winman

Death of a Stranger

Susannah Wise

The Straw Woman

Jane Wood

Death of a Stranger

Clive Wood

Blue Herrings
Secrets & Spies
Wild Harvest

Jo Woodcock

The Sicilian Defence

Nick Woodeson

Death of a Hollow Man

John Woodvine

Electric Vendetta
The Oblong Murders

Tim Woodward

The Green Man

Emily Woof

The Animal Within

Susan Wooldridge

A Talent for Life

Rachel Woolrich

Dark Autumn

Madeleine Worrall

Destroying Angel

Amanda Wright

Murder of Innocence

Tim Wylton

The Great & The Good

Jane Wymark

Regular Cast

Tristram Wymark

Master Class



Eleanor Yates

The Night of the Stag

David Yelland

Death & Dust
Harvest of Souls

Owain Yeoman

Dead in the Water

Tom York

Breaking the Chain

Barbara Young

The Killings at Badger's Drift
Last Years Model

Francesca Zoutewelle

The Flying Club