A comprehensive list of
all actors that have appeared to date
Click on any letter in the lists below to return to the top of the page
Joe Absolom |
Murder by Magic |
Joss Ackland |
Vixen's Run |
Alfie Adams |
Left for Dead |
Jenny Agutter |
The Creeper |
Kacey Ainsworth |
Echoes of the Dead |
Barry Aird |
Shot at Dawn |
Suzy Aitchison |
The Silent Land |
Lucy Akhurst |
Wild Harvest |
Edward Akrout |
Breaking the Chain |
Richard Albrecht |
The Oblong Murders |
Andrew Alexander |
Harvest of Souls |
Bruce Alexander |
Ghosts of Christmas Past |
Denyse Alexander |
Death of a Hollow Man |
Geraldine Alexander |
Sauce for the Goose |
Sarah Alexander |
Garden of Death |
Roger Allam |
Faithful unto Death |
Adie Allen |
Destroying Angel |
Luke Allen-Gale |
Death in the Slow Lane |
David Allister |
Blood Will Out |
Nicholas Amer |
Midsomer Rhapsody |
Emma Amos |
Dead in the Water |
Ronni Ancona |
Fit for Murder |
Georgine Anderson |
Blue Herrings |
Joe Anderson |
Second Sight |
Miles Anderson |
Death in Disguise |
Paul Anderson |
The Black Book |
Samuel Anderson |
Death & the Divas |
Dean Andrews |
The Ballad of Midsomer County |
Michael Angelis |
The Axeman Cometh |
Lilly-May Anson |
The House in the Woods |
Nigel Anthony |
Picture of Innocence |
Philip Anthony |
A Sacred Trust |
Annabelle Apsion |
Dead Man's 11 |
Barry Arid |
Death in the Slow Lane |
Holly Aird |
The Oblong Murders |
Jonathan Aris |
Saints and Sinners |
Joe Armstrong |
Dead in the Water |
Lee Armstrong |
The Incident at Coopers Hill |
Mark Armstrong |
Murder of Innocence |
Simon Armstrong |
Hidden Depths |
Thomas Arnold |
Echoes of the Dead |
Hannah Arterton |
A Sacred Trust |
Ashley Artus |
Death in Disguise |
Nicholas Asbury |
Death in the Slow Lane |
Nigel Ashbridge |
The Killings at Badger's Drift |
Renee Asherson |
The Killings at Badger's Drift |
Kate Ashfield |
Schooled in Murder |
Marcia Ashton |
Shot at Dawn |
Claire Askam |
Dead Letters |
Marie Askehave |
The Killings of Copenhagen |
Charlotte Asprey |
The Black Book |
John Atterbury |
The Great & The Good |
Richard Attlee |
Orchis Fatalis |
Shane Attwooll |
Bantling Boy |
Juliet Aubrey |
Country Matters |
Nicholas Audsley |
Murder on St. Malley's Day |
Alister Austin |
The Incident at Coopers Hill |
Perdita Avery |
The Christmas Haunting |
Justin Avoth |
Blood on the Saddle |
Rakie Ayola |
The Ballad of Midsomer County |
Fraser Ayres |
Murder by Magic |
Rosalind Ayres |
Faithful unto Death |
Sarah Badel |
Death of a Hollow Man |
Mark Bagnall |
Written in Blood |
Catherine Bailey |
Wild Harvest |
Ben Bailey Smith |
Let Us Prey |
David Baker |
Faithful unto Death |
George Baker |
The House in the Woods |
Sean Baker |
Dead in the Water |
Patrick Baladi |
Electric Vendetta |
David Bamber |
Dead Letters |
Louise Bangay |
A Sacred Trust |
Frances Barber |
Master Class |
Nick Barber |
The Fisher King |
Matt Bardock |
Orchis Fatalis |
John Bardon |
Written in Blood |
Gillian Barge |
A Worm in the Bud |
David Bark-Jones |
Death & the Divas |
Patrick Barlow |
Blood Wedding |
Thelma Barlow |
Last Years Model |
June Barne |
A Talent for Life |
Chris Barnes |
Bad Tidings |
Angus Barnett |
Fit for Murder |
Jonathan Barnwell |
The Killings of Copenhagen |
Chris Barrie |
Death in a Chocolate Box |
Desmond Barrit |
Murder on St. Malley's Day |
Ian Barritt |
Vixen's Run |
Keith Barron |
The Straw Woman |
Sabrina Bartlett |
A Vintage Murder |
Tony Barton |
The Noble Art |
Linda Bassett |
The Animal Within |
Dean Batchelor |
Garden of Death |
Robert Bathurst |
The Flying Club |
Anthony Bate |
Garden of Death |
Daisy Bates |
Electric Vendetta |
Timothy Bateson |
Death's Shadow/Orchis Fatalis |
Helen Baxendale |
Habeas Corpus |
Peter Bayliss |
Death of a Stranger |
Geoffrey Baylon |
Blue Herrings |
Mark Bazeley |
Faithful unto Death |
Ann Beach |
Sauce for the Goose |
Charlie Beall |
A Tale of Two Hamlets |
David Beames |
Vixen's Run |
Tom Beard |
Murder on St. Malley's Day |
Terence Beasley |
The Green Man |
Joseph Beattie |
Death & the Divas |
Charlotte Beaumont |
A Dying Art |
Penelope Beaumont |
Dead Man's 11 |
Geoffrey Beavers |
Death in Disguise |
Sam Beazley |
Blue Herrings |
William Beck |
Let Us Prey |
Georgina Beedle |
Death & the Divas |
Alex Belcourt |
Bad Tidings |
Ann Bell |
Tainted Fruit |
Elizabeth Bell |
Master Class |
John Bell |
The Sicilian Defence |
Rachel Bell |
Sins of Commission |
Tony Bell |
Days of Misrule |
Lynda Bellingham |
The Fisher King |
Jamie Belman |
The Dogleg Murders |
Kingsley BenAdir |
Saints and Sinners |
Jack Bence |
Death in the Slow Lane |
Christopher Benjamin |
Midsomer Rhapsody |
Dark Autumn |
Max Bennett |
A Vintage Murder |
Tom Bennett |
Dead Letters |
Candida Benson |
Birds of Prey |
Paul Bentall |
Small Mercies |
Stephen Beresford |
The Maid in Splendour |
Glen Berry |
Destroying Angel |
Elizabeth Berrington |
The Christmas Haunting |
Michael Bertenshaw |
Electric Vendetta |
Blood Will Out |
Nigel Betts |
Destroying Angel |
Kieran Bew |
They Seek Him Here |
Sanjeev Bhaskar |
The Killings of Copenhagen |
Sheena Bhattessa |
The Incident at Coopers Hill |
Ace Bhatti |
Written in the Stars |
Paul Bigley |
A Rare Bird |
Graham Bill |
Electric Vendetta |
Leo Bill |
A Tale of Two Hamlets |
Ed Birch |
The Dagger Club |
Philip Bird |
Hidden Depths |
Jesse Birdsall |
Market for Murder |
David Birrell |
Last Years Model |
Denise Black |
Painted in Blood |
Jamie Blackley |
A Sacred Trust |
Honor Blackman |
A Talent for Life |
Adam Blackwood |
Dark Autumn |
Tilly Blackwood |
Death in Disguise |
Claudie Blakley |
The Ballad of Midsomer County |
Isla Blair |
Death & Dreams |
Paul Blair |
The Christmas Haunting |
Alex Blake |
Left for Dead |
Isabella Blake-Thomas |
Schooled in Murder |
Lin Blakeley |
The Dogleg Murders |
Caroline Blakiston |
Bantling Boy |
Claire Bloom |
A Vintage Murder |
Judgement Day |
Benedict Blythe |
Dead in the Water |
Robert Blythe |
Shot at Dawn |
Lee Boardman |
Echoes of the Dead |
James Bolam |
Death of a Stranger |
Eamond Boland |
Murder on St. Malley's Day |
Anna Bolt |
Death in Disguise |
Philip Bond |
Death in a Chocolate Box |
Samantha Bond |
Destroying Angel |
Ken Bones |
The Noble Art |
Mark Bonnar |
A Vintage Murder |
Hugh Bonneville |
Ring Out Your Dead |
Jane Booker |
Written in Blood |
Christine Bottomley |
The Oblong Murders |
Nicholas Boulton |
A Rare Bird |
Kate Bowes |
Murder of Innocence |
Philip Bowers |
Destroying Angel |
Raymond Bowers |
Garden of Death |
Tom Bowles |
Sauce for the Goose |
Stephen Boxer |
Midsomer Rhapsody |
Tracy Brabin |
Dead Letters |
David Bradley |
The Green Man |
Marion Bradley |
Left for Dead |
Therese Bradley |
The Ballad of Midsomer County |
Cathryn Bradshaw |
Things that Go Bump in the Night |
Richard Bradshaw |
The Night of the Stag |
Hilda Braid |
Dead Man's 11 |
Patricia Brake |
Beyond the Grave |
John Branwell |
Death & Dreams |
Stefano Ano Braschi |
Saints and Sinners |
Louise Brecon-Richards |
Dead Letters |
Paul Brennen |
Death & Dreams |
Roger Brierlay |
Murder on St. Malley's Day |
Lucy Briers |
Death in the Slow Lane |
Richard Briers |
Death's Shadow |
Lucy Briggs-Owen |
Dark Secrets |
Nick Brimble |
Dark Secrets |
Katy Brittain |
Stranglers Wood |
Jasper Britton |
Sauce for the Goose |
Daniel Brocklebank |
The Ballad of Midsomer County |
Eleanor Bron |
The Dark Rider |
Paul Brooke |
Faithful unto Death |
Sian Brooke |
The Magician's Nephew |
Lisa Brookes |
Echoes of the Dead |
Jessica Brooks |
Four Funerals & A Wedding |
Jonie Broom |
Death of a Stranger |
Dylan Brown |
Murder of Innocence |
Janet Brown |
Dead in the Water |
Lucy Brown |
The Glitch |
Philip Martin Brown |
Things that Go Bump in the Night |
Susan Brown |
The Sleeper under the Hill |
Colin Brummage |
The Sword of Guillaume |
Katie Buchholz |
Murder of Innocence |
Marc Buchner |
The Green Man |
Andrew Buckley |
Echoes of the Dead |
Emma Buckley |
Sins of Commission |
Kate Buffery |
Birds of Prey |
Diane Bull |
Death in Disguise |
Sarah Bull |
Blue Herrings |
Stuart Bunce |
Death & Dreams |
Suzanne Burden |
A Talent for Life |
John Burgess |
Ghosts of Christmas Past |
Myanna Buring |
Midsomer Life |
David Burke |
Midsomer Rhapsody |
Sally Ann Burnett |
Blood Wedding |
Amanda Burton |
Murder by Magic |
Harry Burton |
Ring Out Your Dead |
Clemmie Burton-Hill |
Dead in the Water |
Kirsty Bushell |
Country Matters |
Josephine Butler |
The Oblong Murders |
Michelle Butterly |
Small Mercies |
Fiona Button |
The Axeman Cometh |
Antony Byrne |
Country Matters |
Rory Fleck Byrne |
Harvest of Souls |
Kathleen Byron |
Stranglers Wood |
David Calder |
Birds of Prey |
Selina Cadell |
The Killings at Badger's Drift |
Clare Calbraith |
Written in the Stars |
Anna Calder-Marshall |
Garden of Death |
Anthony Calf |
Dead Man's 11 |
James Callis |
The Dark Rider |
Sam Callis |
Murder of Innocence |
Simon Callow |
Dead Letters |
Phyllis Calvert |
Blue Herrings |
Nadia Cameron-Blakey |
Master Class |
Cheryl Campbell |
Beyond the Grave |
Emily Canfor-Dumas |
Judgement Day |
Richard Cant |
The Killings at Badgers Drift |
Peter Capaldi |
Death in Chorus |
Andy Caph |
A Worm in the Bud |
Brian Capron |
Shot at Dawn |
Rosina Carbone |
The Sword of Guillaume |
Anita Carey |
The House in the Woods |
Richenda Carey |
The Straw Woman |
John Carlisle |
The Green Man |
Timothy Carlton |
Secrets & Spies |
Claire Carrie |
Ghosts of Christmas Past |
Terence Carrigan |
Death's Shadow |
Nancy Carroll |
Hidden Depths |
Frank Carson |
Stranglers Wood |
John Carson |
Death & the Divas |
Eric Carte |
Fit for Murder |
Jim Carter |
The Fisher King |
John Carter |
Death of a Hollow Man |
Bertie Carvel |
The Great & The Good |
John Cater |
The Animal Within |
Regular Cast |
Raquel Cassidy |
The Dark Rider |
John Castle |
The Kings Crystal |
Rosie Cavaliero |
A Worm in the Bud |
Henry Cavill |
The Green Man |
Jonathan Cecil |
The Glitch |
Peter Cellier |
A Talent for Life |
Garden of Death |
Jean Challis |
Painted in Blood |
Beth Chalmers |
Blood Wedding |
Simon Chandler |
Garden of Death |
Paul Chapman |
Faithful Unto Death |
Sean Chapman |
Second Sight |
Rebecca Charles |
Hidden Depths |
Geoffrey Chater |
Orchis Fatalis |
Debbie Chazen |
Stranglers Wood |
Jeremy Child |
Murder on St. Malley's Day |
Jack Chissick |
A Tale of Two Hamlets |
Nadine Chowdhry |
Habeas Corpus |
William Chubb |
Ghosts of Christmas Past |
Jemma Churchill |
Birds of Prey |
Darren Clarke |
Death in the Slow Lane |
Prue Clarke |
Dark Autumn |
Warren Clarke |
The Night of the Stag |
James Clay |
The Dark Rider |
Edward Clayton |
Birds of Prey |
Louisa Clein |
The Dark Rider |
Pandora Clifford |
Death & the Divas |
Richard Clifford |
Death in the Slow Lane |
Sian Clifford |
Schooled in Murder |
Richard Clothier |
Tainted Fruit |
Duncan Clyde |
Down Among the Dead Men |
Jeremy Clyde |
Stranglers Wood |
Camille Coduri |
The Noble Art |
Lucy Cohu |
The Sword of Guillaume |
Christina Cole |
The Silent Land |
George Cole |
Shot at Dawn |
Stephanie Cole |
Death & Dust |
Dominic Colenso |
Ghosts of Christmas Past |
Michael Colgan |
A Sacred Trust |
Kenneth Colley |
Electric Vendetta |
Charles Collingwood |
Tainted Fruit |
Michelle Collins |
The Incident at Coopers Hill |
Olivia Colman |
Small Mercies |
Beatrice Comins |
The Night of the Stag |
Elizabeth Conboy |
Death & Dust |
Charlie Condou |
Bantling Boy |
Louisa Connolly Burnham |
Left for Dead |
Neil Conrich |
The Killings at Badger's Drift |
Ron Cook |
Echoes of the Dead |
Emma Cooke |
Blood on the Saddle |
Garry Cooper |
Things that Go Bump in the Night |
Rowena Cooper |
Blood Will Out |
Trevor Cooper |
Birds of Prey |
Paul Copley |
Let Us Prey |
Rory Copus |
Ghosts of Christmas Past |
Richard Cordery |
The Straw Woman |
John Cording |
Death in Chorus |
Allan Corduner |
A Rare Bird |
Charlotte Cornwell |
The Dagger Club |
Judy Cornwell |
Death in Disguise |
Phil Cornwell |
The Flying Club |
Terence Corrigan |
Dead Man's 11 |
James Cosmo |
The Axeman Cometh |
George Costigan |
The Creeper |
Oliver Cotton |
Midsomer Rhapsody |
Raymond Coulthard |
The Maid in Splendour |
Charlie Covell |
Shot at Dawn |
Alex Cox |
The Maid in Splendour |
Arthur Cox |
Blue Herrings |
Julie Cox |
The Sicilian Defence |
Nathalie Cox |
The Creeper |
Jolyon Coy |
A Dying Art |
Jonathan Coy |
Destroying Angel |
Jolyon Coy |
Ella Al-Khalil Coyle |
A Rare Bird |
Wendy Craig |
A Worm in the Bud |
Hilary Crane |
Death of a Hollow Man |
Sam Crane |
Murder on St. Malley's Day |
Kenneth Cranham |
Blood on the Saddle |
Elizabeth Crarer |
The Oblong Murders |
Gemma Craven |
Shot at Dawn |
Bernard Cribbins |
The Flying Club |
Ben Crompton |
Left for Dead |
Michael Cronin |
Death of a Hollow Man |
Anna Cropper |
Death's Shadow |
Annette Crosbie |
Sauce for the Goose |
David Crow |
Midsomer Life |
Graham Crowden |
Ring Out Your Dead |
Daniel Crowder |
Bad Tidings |
Dermot Crowley |
Down Among the Dead Men |
Marty Cruickshank |
Orchis Fatalis |
Jack Crutch |
Country Matters |
Kate Crutchley |
The Magician's Nephew |
Rosalie Crutchley |
The Killings at Badger's Drift |
Jonathan Cullen |
A Talent for Life |
Emma Cunniffe |
Blood Wedding |
Julian Curry |
Things that Go Bump in the Night |
Niamh Cusack |
Days of Misrule |
Sinead Cusack |
Death & the Divas |
The Fisher King |
Ifan Huw Dafydd |
Dance with the Dead |
Charles Daish |
Written in the Stars |
Janet Dale |
Death of a Stranger |
Jennie Dale |
The Incident at Coopers Hill |
Helen Dallimore |
Last Years Model |
Niamh Daly |
Destroying Angel |
Peter-Hugo Daly |
The Maid in Splendour |
Phil Daniels |
The Noble Art |
Amy Darcy |
Electric Vendetta |
Edward Davenport |
Dance with the Dead |
Nigel Davenport |
Blue Herrings |
Eleanor David |
Tainted Fruit |
Joanna David |
Written in Blood |
Peter Davison |
Secrets & Spies |
Debbie Davies |
The Great & The Good |
Eileen Davies |
Death's Shadow |
Emma Davies |
A Sacred Trust |
Rachael Davies |
The Axeman Cometh |
Phil Davis |
The Axeman Cometh |
Robert Daws |
Hidden Depths |
Nicholas Day |
The Dogleg Murders |
Simon Day |
The Oblong Murders |
Jamie de Courcey |
Ring Out Your Dead |
Luke de Woolfson |
Murder on St. Malley's Day |
Julia Deakin |
Midsomer Rhapsody |
Felcity Dean |
Dead Man's 11 |
A Worm in the Bud |
Sean Delaney |
Harvest of Souls |
Tim Delap |
The Kings Crystal |
Daniela Denby-Ashe |
The Noble Art |
Les Dennis |
The Christmas Haunting |
Elizabeth Dermot-Welsh |
Blood Wedding |
Hari Dhillon |
Breaking the Chain |
Janet Dibley |
Master Class |
Hugh Dickson |
Bantling Boy |
Richard Dillane |
Schooled in Murder |
Death & Dust |
Lisa Dillon |
Murder of Innocence |
Sophia di Martino |
Breaking the Chain |
Shaun Dingwall |
Fit for Murder |
Paola Dionisotti |
The Great & The Good |
Sophie Dix |
Fit for Murder |
Monica Dolan |
The Great & The Good |
Francois Domange |
Picture of Innocence |
Pip Donaghy |
Death in a Chocolate Box |
Elaine Donnelly |
Garden of Death |
Shaun Dooley |
Left for Dead |
Edna Dore |
Death in the Slow Lane |
Michele Dotrice |
Faithful unto Death |
Matthew Douglas |
The Noble Art |
Freda Dowie |
The Animal Within |
Amgela Down |
Blue Herrings |
Jane Downs |
A Talent for Life |
Kevin Doyle |
Ghosts of Christmas Past |
Susannah Doyle |
The Fisher King |
Poppy Drayton |
The Killings of Copenhagen |
Tyger Drew-Honey |
Wild Harvest |
James Dreyfus |
A Rare Bird |
Keith Drinkel |
Death in a Chocolate Box |
David Driver |
Sauce for the Goose |
Ian Driver |
A Worm in the Bud |
Patrick Drury |
Who Killed Cock Robin |
Lucinda Dryzek |
Wild Harvest |
Carmen du Sautay |
Ring Out Your Dead |
Sharon Duce |
Murder of Innocence |
Nick Dumming |
Death's Shadow |
Kate Duchene |
Garden of Death |
Garden of Death |
Noma Dumezweni |
Murder by Magic |
Sandra Duncan |
Dead in the Water |
Andrew Dunn |
The Green Man |
Richard Durden |
A Talent for Life |
Barbara Durkin |
Painted in Blood |
Jason Durr |
Fit for Murder |
John Duttine |
Blood Will Out |
Simon Dutton |
Dark Secrets |
Tim Dutton |
Death in the Slow Lane |
Jamine Duvitski |
Death of a Hollow Man |
Gemma Dyllen |
Fit for Murder |
Charles Edwards |
Blood Wedding |
Rob Edwards |
Down Among the Dead Men |
Rebecca Egan |
The House in the Woods |
Lisa Eichhorn |
The Animal Within |
Tom Eilenberg |
Stranglers Wood |
Avril Elgar |
The Killings at Badger's Drift |
Marc Elliott |
Wild Harvest |
Lisa Ellis |
Destroying Angel |
Tom Ellis |
Midsomer Rhapsody |
Claudia Elmhirst |
Secrets & Spies |
Michael Elwyn |
The House in the Woods |
Charlotte Emmerson |
Down Among the Dead Men |
Susan Engel |
Sins of Commission |
Nikhita Essex |
Harvest of Souls |
Andree Evans |
The House in the Woods |
Daniel Evans |
Death & Dust |
Roger Evans |
Midsomer Life |
Steve Evets |
The Incident at Coopers Hill |
Peter Eyre |
Stranglers Wood |
Caroline Faber |
Judgement Day |
Christopher Fairbank |
Death in a Chocolate Box |
Michelle Fairley |
The Noble Art |
Lynn Farleigh |
Picture of Innocence |
Adam Farr |
They Seek Him Here |
Colin Farrell |
Death in Disguise |
Nick Farrell |
Stranglers Wood |
Tanya Fear |
The Incident at Coopers Hill |
Michael Feast |
Death in Disguise |
Will Featherstone |
Shot at Dawn |
Pam Ferris |
Echoes of the Dead |
Susan Field |
Dead Man's 11 |
Emma Fielding |
The Silent Land |
Susannah Fielding |
The Silent Land |
Deborah Findlay |
Blue Herrings |
Ann Firbank |
The Black Book |
David Firth |
The Kings Crystal |
The Killings at Badger's Drift |
Tom Fisher |
The Oblong Murders |
Alison Fiske |
Electric Vendetta |
Michael Fitzgerald |
Death in Chorus |
Ian Fitzgibbon |
Death of a Hollow Man |
Marsha Fitzlan |
Judgement Day |
Richard Fleeshman |
Master Class |
James Fleet |
Sauce for the Goose |
Kate Fleetwood |
Midsomer Rhapsody |
Diane Fletcher |
Death of a Stranger |
Nick Fletcher |
Days of Misrule |
Barbara Flynn |
The Oblong Murders |
Matthew Flynn |
Hidden Depths |
Julia Ford |
Bantling Boy |
Mick Ford |
Who Killed Cock Robin |
Oliver Ford Davies |
Hidden Depths |
Terry Forrestal |
Death's Shadow |
Brigit Forsyth |
The Magician's Nephew |
Wayne Foskett |
A Vintage Murder |
Cate Fowler |
Death in the Slow Lane |
Edward Fox |
Dark Secrets |
Grahame Fox |
Death in the Slow Lane |
James Fox |
Master Class |
Jesse Fox |
Schooled in Murder |
Kerry Fox |
The Dark Rider |
Philip Fox |
Death & Dreams |
Maroussia Frank |
The Great & The Good |
John Franklyn-Robbins |
Vixen's Run |
Philip Franks |
A Talent for Life |
Shelagh Fraser |
Judgement Day |
Tom Frederic |
Second Sight |
Paul Freeman |
Down Among the Dead Men |
Geoffrey Freshwater |
Bantling Boy |
Rebecca Front |
Let Us Prey |
Mark Frost |
Dead in the Water |
Roger Frost |
Destroying Angel |
Christopher Fulford |
The Black Book |
Isabella Furst |
Dance with the Dead |
Bernard Gallagher |
Birds of Prey |
Gus Gallangher |
Days of Misrule |
David Gant |
A Dying Art |
Jared Garfield |
The House in the Woods |
Eli Garnett |
Country Matters |
Henry Garrett |
The Noble Art |
Elizabeth Garvie |
Blood Will Out |
Mark Gatiss |
The Sword of Guillaume |
William Gaunt |
The Maid in Splendour |
Michael Geary |
Picture of Innocence |
Donald Gee |
Electric Vendetta |
Ruth Gemmell |
The House in the Woods |
Eamon Geoghegan |
Painted in Blood |
Tricia George |
Blood Will Out |
Tom Georgeson |
Dead Letters |
Billy Geraghty |
The Sword of Guillaume |
Monica Gibb |
The Creeper |
Matyelok Gibbs |
Blue Herrings |
Holly Gilbert |
The Dogleg Murders |
Kenneth Gilbert |
Birds of Prey |
Alexandra Gilbreath |
Birds of Prey |
Sears Gilder |
The Ballad of Midsomer County |
Sally Giles |
Fit for Murder |
Aden Gillett |
The Silent Land |
Laura Girling |
Death & the Divas |
Jeremy Gittins |
Shot at Dawn |
Fiona Glascott |
A Sacred Trust |
Sean Gleeson |
Harvest of Souls |
Robert Glenister |
Dark Autumn |
Jamie Glover |
Last Years Model |
Jon Glover |
Death in Disguise |
Julian Glover |
The Killings at Badger's Drift |
Emily Gloyens |
Last Years Model |
Beth Goddard |
A Tale of Two Hamlets |
Daphne Goddard |
Blue Herrings |
Liza Goddard |
Picture of Innocence |
Patrick Godfrey |
Murder on St. Malley's Day |
Simon Godwin |
The Killings at Badger's Drift |
Stella Gonet |
Sins of Commission |
Christopher Good |
A Tale of Two Hamlets |
Robert Goodale |
Judgement Day |
Caroline Goodall |
Dead Letters |
Henry Goodman |
Death & the Divas |
Tom Goodman-Hill |
The Magician's Nephew |
Hannah Gordon |
Judgement Day |
Serena Gordon |
Market for Murder |
Gordon Gostelow |
Death's Shadow |
Harry Gostelow |
Birds of Prey |
Jade Gould |
Left for Dead |
Joss Gower |
Dead Man's 11 |
Helen Grace |
Bad Tidings |
Nicholas Grace |
Judgement Day |
Julie Graham |
The Sicilian Defence |
Richard Graham |
Talking to the Dead |
Gawn Grainger |
The House in the Woods |
Rebecca Grant |
Breaking the Chain |
Thomas Grant |
Bantling Boy |
Christina Greatrex |
The Oblong Murders |
James Greene |
The Sword of Guillaume |
Paul Greenwood |
Talking to the Dead |
Selina Griffiths |
A Vintage Murder |
Paul Grunert |
They Seek Him Here |
Hermone Gulliford |
The Glitch |
Haydn Gwynne |
Ghosts of Christmas Past |
Jonathan Hackett |
Who Killed Cock Robin |
Harry Hadden-Paton |
Written in the Stars |
Ellie Haddington |
Tainted Fruit |
Stephen Hagan |
The Ballad of Midsomer County |
Daisy Haggard |
Echoes of the Dead |
David Haig |
The Glitch |
Esther Hall |
Bad Tidings |
Rod Hallett |
Sauce for the Goose |
Annie Hamilton |
Talking to the Dead |
Cally Hamilton |
Dead Letters |
Emily Hamilton |
They Seek Him Here |
Victoria Hamilton |
Garden of Death |
Terence Handiman |
The Fisher King |
Scott Handy |
Death in Chorus |
Alex Hanson |
A Rare Bird |
Michael N. Harbour |
Sins of Commission |
Diana Hardcastle |
The Killings at Badger's Drift |
Robert Hardy |
Dead Man's 11 |
Tim Hardy |
Country Matters |
Danny Harfield |
Left for Dead |
Rhiannon Harper-Rafferty |
Death & the Divas |
Caroline Harker |
Market for Murder |
Susannah Harker |
The Black Book |
Tom Harper |
Shot at Dawn |
Mali Harries |
Blue Herrings |
Tom Rhys Harries |
A Vintage Murder |
Richard Harrington |
Blood on the Saddle |
Amanda Harris |
Orchis Fatalis |
Claudia Harrison |
The Sleeper under the Hill |
Nigel Harrison |
Electric Vendetta |
Daniel Hart |
Death in Disguise |
Zoe Hart |
Dead Man's 11 |
Terence Harvey |
Tainted Fruit |
Stewart Harwood |
Bantling Boy |
Giles Havergal |
Last Years Model |
Andrew Havill |
The Night of the Stag |
Andrew Hawkins |
Four Funerals & A Wedding |
Richard Hawley |
The Night of the Stag |
Tony Haygarth |
Destroying Angel |
James Hazeldine |
A Talent for Life |
Sam Hazeldine |
The Axeman Cometh |
Dorian Healy |
Country Matters |
Mary Healey |
Death in Disguise |
Mark Heap |
The Christmas Haunting |
Vivian Heilbron |
The Magician's Nephew |
Polly Hemmingway |
Who Killed Cock Robin |
Patricia Henegan |
Death of a Hollow Man |
David Henry |
Dance with the Dead |
Guy Henry |
Last Years Model |
John Henshaw |
The Sicilian Defence |
Nicky Henson |
Dark Autumn |
Jeanne Hepple |
Death of a Stranger |
Bernard Hepton |
Death of a Hollow Man |
Martin Herdman |
The Straw Woman |
Sam Heughan |
The Kings Crystal |
Siobhan Hewlett |
The Maid in Splendour |
Charlie Hicks |
A Worm in the Bud |
Greg Hicks |
The Night of the Stag |
Michael Higgs |
Harvest of Souls |
Clare Higgins |
Midsomer Rhapsody |
Colin Higgins |
Painted in Blood |
Jennifer Hilary |
Death of a Stranger |
Daniel Hill |
Midsomer Life |
Dave Hill |
The Maid in Splendour |
Naomi Hill |
Vixen's Run |
Rupert Hill |
Murder of Innocence |
Paul Hilton |
The Oblong Murders |
James Hoare |
Second Sight |
Ian Hogg |
A Worm in the Bud |
Caroline Holdaway |
Destroying Angel |
Kobna Holdbrook-Smith |
The Dagger Club |
Rupert Holliday Evans |
The Silent Land |
John Hollingworth |
A Dying Art |
Clare Holman |
Ring Out Your Dead |
Michelle Holmes |
Harvest of Souls |
Lucy-Anne Homes |
Four Funerals & A Wedding |
Jane Hon |
Murder on St. Malley's Day |
Clemmie Hooton |
Dead Letters |
Richard Hope |
Judgement Day |
William Hope |
The Animal Within |
Regular Cast |
Matthew Hopkinson |
Murder of Innocence |
Vicki Hopps |
Hidden Depths |
Gerard Horan |
Let Us Prey |
Cara Horgan |
A Dying Art |
David Horovitch |
The Axeman Cometh |
Rosa Hoskins |
Last Years Model |
Clarista Hoult |
A Worm in the Bud |
Alan Howard |
Dark Autumn |
James Howard |
Blood Wedding |
Regular Cast |
Ursula Howells |
Electric Vendetta |
Anthony Howes |
Stranglers Wood |
Roy Hudd |
Let us Prey |
Martin Hudson |
Picture of Innocence |
Regular Cast |
Tara Hugo |
Stranglers Wood |
Peter Hugo-Daly |
The Dogleg Murders |
Francesca Hunt |
The Oblong Murders |
Kelly Hunter |
The Straw Woman |
Sophie Hunter |
The Maid in Splendour |
Noah Huntley |
Who Killed Cock Robin |
Sarah Huntley |
Talking to the Dead |
Geoffrey Hutchings |
Death of a Hollow Man |
Derek Hutchinson |
Down Among the Dead Men |
Lloyd Hutchinson |
Shot at Dawn |
Marcus Hutton |
The Killings of Copenhagen |
Richard Huw |
Death of a Hollow Man |
Jonathan Hyde |
A Tale of Two Hamlets |
Grant Ibbs |
Shot at Dawn |
William Ilkley |
Death & Dust |
Celia Imrie |
Dark Autumn |
George Innes |
Who Killed Cock Robin |
Kenny Ireland |
Written in the Stars |
Paul Ireland |
Dead Letters |
George Irving |
A Sacred Trust |
Barry Jackson |
Regular Cast |
Jenny Jackson |
Dead Letters |
Philip Jackson |
The Glitch |
Stephanie Jacob |
Last Years Model |
Jaye Jacobs |
A Vintage Murder |
Paula Jacobs |
Murder on St. Malley's Day |
Geraldine James |
Fit for Murder |
Matthew James Thomas |
Master Class |
Jonathan Jaynes |
The Night of the Stag |
Michael Jayston |
Let Us Prey |
Barbara Jefford |
Judgement Day |
Sue Jenkins |
Death in a Chocolate Box |
Paula Jennings |
The Black Book |
Dominic Jephcott |
Death's Shadow |
Paul Jesson |
Blood Will Out |
Edward Jewesbury |
Destroying Angel |
Caroline John |
Blue Herrings |
Karl Johnson |
Sauce for the Goose |
Death of a Stranger |
Rebecca Johnston |
A Tale of Two Hamlets |
Scarlett Alice Johnson |
The Flying Club |
Eila Jones |
Dead Man's 11 |
Freddie Jones |
The Maid in Splendour |
Gemma Jones |
Ring Out Your Dead |
Lucie Jones |
The Ballad of Midsomer County |
Nicholas Jones |
The Killings of Copenhagen |
Oliver Kieran-Jones |
The Creeper |
Peter Jones |
Faithful unto Death |
Rufus Jones |
Talking to the Dead |
Ruth Jones |
Bad Tidings |
Toby Jones |
Stranglers Wood |
Peter Jordan |
The Killings at Badger's Drift |
Ann Eleanora Jorgensen |
The Killings of Copenhagen |
Emily Joyce |
A Worm in the Bud |
Christine Kavanagh |
Down Among the Dead Men |
Barnaby Kay |
Bantling Boy |
Charles Kay |
Death in Disguise |
Paul Kaye |
The Great & The Good |
Dark Autumn |
Michael Keating |
The Dogleg Murders |
Andrew Keelan |
Vixen's Run |
Will Keen |
Second Sight |
Daisy Keeping |
Death in the Slow Lane |
Sam Kelly |
Down Among the Dead Men |
Merelina Kendall |
Electric Vendetta |
Matt Kennard |
Wild Harvest |
Joseph Kennedy |
Four Funerals & A Wedding |
Diana Kent |
The Fisher King |
Ford Kenyon |
The Axeman Cometh |
Sara Kestelman |
Hidden Depths |
Gwyneth Keyworth |
Death in the Slow Lane |
Josie Kidd |
Death in the Slow Lane |
Melanie Kilburn |
Echoes of the Dead |
David Killick |
Blue Herrings |
Jacqueline King |
The Flying Club |
Jamie King |
The Green Man |
Nicola King |
The Green Man |
Rowena King |
The Sicilian Defence |
Shirley King |
Garden of Death |
Miranda Kingsley |
Blue Herrings |
Adam Kirley |
Days of Misrule |
Oona Kirsch |
The Dagger Club |
Jack Klaff |
Dead in the Water |
Natalie Klamar |
The Night of the Stag |
Ian Knight |
Vixen's Run |
Alice Knight |
Dead Letters |
Rosalind Knight |
Birds of Prey |
Tom Knight |
A Sacred Trust |
Will Knightley |
A Talent for Life |
Arthur Kohn |
Down Among the Dead Men |
Nicolaj Kopernikus |
The Killings of Copenhagen |
Adam Kotz |
A Worm in the Bud |
Jeroen Krabbé |
Talking to the Dead |
Alice Krige |
Secrets & Spies |
Simon Kunz |
Bantling Boy |
Hattie Ladbury |
Four Funerals & A Wedding |
Ben Lamb |
Breaking the Chain |
Larry Lamb |
Who Killed Cock Robin |
Rebecca Lamb |
Down Among the Dead Men |
Annie Lambert |
The Axeman Cometh |
James Lance |
The Dagger Club |
Andrew Lancel |
Painted in Blood |
Belinda Lang |
Garden of Death |
Robert Lang |
Destroying Angel |
Gordon Langford-Rowe |
Destroying Angel |
Caroline Langrishe |
Blood on the Saddle |
Jane Lapotaire |
Who Killed Cock Robin |
Caroline Laskowska |
Hidden Depths |
James Laurenson |
Beyond the Grave |
Phyllida Law |
Blood Will Out |
Amanda Lawrence |
A Rare Bird |
Dilys Laye |
Market for Murder |
Rosemary Leach |
Destroying Angel |
Richard Leaf |
The Sleeper under the hill |
Francis Lee |
The House in the Woods |
Gwilym Lee |
Regular cast from |
Geof Leesley |
Dance with the Dead |
Announshka Le Gallois |
Written in Blood |
Nicholas Le Prevost |
Death of a Hollow Man |
Oliver Le Sueur |
The Creeper |
Syvestra Le Touzel |
Beyond the Grave |
Barbara Leigh-Hunt |
Market for Murder |
Margot Leicester |
Sins of Commission |
Victoria Lennox |
Orchis Fatalis |
Lydia Leonard |
Ghosts of Christmas Past |
Stephanie Leonidas |
Murder by Magic |
Anton Lesser |
Birds of Prey |
Lucy Liemann |
Schooled in Murder |
John Lightbody |
Hidden Depths |
Denis Lill |
A Dying Art |
Delia Lindsay |
Dead Man's 11 |
Helen Lindsay |
Bad Tidings |
Josef Lindsay |
Dead Letters |
Nigel Lindsay |
Painted in Blood |
Richard Lintern |
Picture of Innocence |
Caroline Lintott |
Death in Disguise |
Maureen Lipman |
Written in the Stars |
Lloyd Ralf Little |
Saints and Sinners |
Jenny Livesey |
Death & Dust |
Sydney Livingstone |
A Talent for Life |
Olivia Llewellyn |
Blood Wedding |
Daniel Llewelyn-Williams |
The Noble Art |
Bernard Lloyd |
The Night of the Stag |
Gabrielle Lloyd |
Who Killed Cock Robin |
Dugald Bruce Lockhart |
Ring out your Dead |
Thomas Lockyer |
Midsomer Life |
Nancy Lodder |
Written in Blood |
Phyllis Logan |
Stranglers Wood |
Monserrat Lombard |
Picture of Innocence |
Ray Lonnen |
The Kings Crystal |
Alex Lowe |
A Tale of Two Hamlets |
Andrea Lowe |
Let Us Prey |
Charlie Lucas |
The House in the Woods |
Charlotte Lucas |
Shot at Dawn |
Adrian Lukas |
Dead in the Water |
Adrian Lukis |
The Killings of Copenhagen |
Richard Lumsden |
The Sicilian Defence |
Cherie Lunghi |
The Green Man |
Zoot Lyaman |
Written in Blood |
Damien Lyne |
Sins of Commission |
David Lyon |
Midsomer Rhapsody |
Kate Maberly |
Dark Autumn |
Polly Maberly |
Who Killed Cock Robin |
Cal Macaninch |
The Sicilian Defence |
Alastair MacKenzie |
Habeas Corpus |
Georgia Mackenzie |
Murder of Innocence |
Martha Mackintosh |
A Sacred Trust |
Edward Macliam |
Saints and Sinners |
Carol Macready |
Vixen's Run |
Phillip Madoc |
The Axeman Cometh |
Francis Magee |
The Night of the Stag |
Grant Masters |
Down Among the Dead Men |
John McAndrew |
Country Matters |
Hazel McBride |
Midsomer Life |
Richard McCabe |
Four Funerals & A Wedding |
Maggie McCarthy |
Destroying Angel |
Neil McCaul |
Wild Harvest |
Sanchia McCormack |
Small Mercies |
Alec McCowan |
Electric Vendetta |
Martine McCutcheon |
Schooled in Murder |
Joe McGann |
Breaking the Chain |
Alan McKenna |
Murder by Magic |
Julia McKenzie |
Down Among the Dead Men |
Belinda McGinley |
The Incident at Coopers Hill |
Sean McGinley |
Who Killed Cock Robin |
Philip McGough |
Bantling Boy |
John McGlynn |
Tainted Fruit |
Anna McGuire |
Death & Dreams |
Lloyd McGuire |
Four Funerals & A Wedding |
Rosemary McHale |
The Magician's Nephew |
Lizzy MacInnerny |
Sauce for the Goose |
Tim McInnerney |
The Sword of Guillaume |
Jack McIntosh |
The House in the Woods |
Robert Mcintosh |
Death of a Hollow Man |
Abigail McKern |
Destroying Angel |
Ben MacLeod |
Destroying Angel |
Marian McLoughlin |
Dark Autumn |
Ciaran Mcmenamin |
Habeas Corpus |
Kevin McNally |
Blood Will Out |
Ian McNeice |
Who Killed Cock Robin |
Hilton MacRae |
Bad Tidings |
Dominic Mafham |
Death of a Stranger |
Sara Mair-Thomas |
Tainted Fruit |
Tamzin Malleson |
Regular Cast from The Sleeper under the Hill |
David Mallinson |
Painted in Blood |
Michael Maloney |
Master Class |
Janet Man |
Murder on St. Malley's Day |
Tom Mannion |
Sins of Commission |
Lesley Manville |
Fit for Murder |
Rosalind March |
The Ballad of Midsomer County |
Stephen Marcus |
The Night of the Stag |
Nina Mare |
Bad Tidings |
Kika Markham |
Blood on the Saddle |
Linda Marlowe |
Who Killed Cock Robin |
Matthew Marsh |
Painted in Blood |
Lyndsey Marshal |
Ring Out Your Dead |
James Richard Marshall |
Death in the Slow Lane |
Mel Martin |
Ghosts of Christmas Past |
Roger Martin |
Murder on St. Malley's Day |
Philip Martin Brown |
Days of Misrule |
Bob Mason |
Murder on St. Malley's Day |
Margery Mason |
Ghosts of Christmas Past |
Anna Massey |
Written in Blood |
Helen Masters |
The Animal Within |
Sally Mates |
The Green Man |
Bryan Matheson |
Ghosts of Christmas Past |
Alex Matton |
The House in the Woods |
Janet Maw |
Birds of Prey |
Anna Maxwell-Martin |
Murder on St. Malley's Day |
Ava May |
They Seek Him Here |
Charmian May |
Electric Vendetta |
Gracie May |
They Seek Him Here |
Rik Mayall |
The Creeper |
Ben Mayjes |
The House in the Woods |
Amanda Mealing |
Electric Vendetta |
Oliver Mellor |
Fit for Murder |
Christopher Mellows |
Dead in the Water |
Murray Melvin |
The Dark Rider |
Natalie Mendoza |
The Dark Rider |
Tobias Menzies |
Judgement Day |
Ifan Meredith |
Dark Secrets |
Clive Merrison |
Painted in Blood |
Jamie Michie |
Murder of Innocence |
Frank Middlemass |
Midsomer Rhapsody |
Sarah Middleton |
Habeas Corpus |
Kate Miles |
Left for Dead |
Pamela Miles |
Tainted Fruit |
Charles Millham |
Ghosts of Christmas Past |
Stuart Milligan |
Country Matters |
Frank Mills |
Down Among the Dead Men |
Hayley Mills |
Wild Harvest |
Liberty Mills |
The Dagger Club |
Days of Misrule |
Valerie Minifie |
Garden of Death |
Ian Mitchell |
The Black Book |
Sid Mitchell |
Death in the Slow Lane |
Fiona Mollison |
They Seek Him Here |
Dearbhla Molly |
Things that Go Bump in the Night |
Flora Montgomery |
The Kings Crystal |
Bill Moody |
Death & Dust |
Alexandra Moon |
Second Sight |
Charlotte Moore |
They Seek Him Here |
Christine Moore |
Bad Tidings |
Deborah Moore |
The Great & The Good |
Jonathan Moore |
They Seek Him Here |
Viviene Moore |
Death of a Hollow Man |
Hattie Morahan |
Schooled in Murder |
Nick Moran |
Blood Will Out |
Richard Morant |
Midsomer Life |
Francine Morgan |
Death in the Slow Lane |
Robert Morgan |
Birds of Prey |
Sharon Morgan |
Death & Dust |
Wendy Morgan |
Death in a Chocolate Box |
Naoko Mori |
A Vintage Murder |
Eleanor Moriarty |
Electric Vendetta |
Alexandra Morris |
Days of Misrule |
Ann Morrish |
Four Funerals & A Wedding |
Jackie Morrison |
Country Matters |
Emily Mortimer |
The Killings at Badger's Drift |
Stephen Moyer |
Death in Disguise |
Abbie Mukleen |
Regular Cast from Habeas Corpus onwards |
Georgia Mukleen |
Regular Cast from Habeas Corpus onwards |
Deirdre Mullins |
The Noble Art |
Annabel Mullion |
Vixen's Run |
Tom Mullion |
Faithful unto Death |
Caroline Munro |
Death & the Divas |
Glen Murphy |
The Noble Art |
Katy Murphy |
A Tale of Two Hamlets |
James Murray |
The Christmas Haunting |
James Musgrave |
The Glitch |
Joseph Mydell |
Habeas Corpus |
Harry Myers |
Master Class |
Luke Neal |
The Dogleg Murders |
Regular Cast |
John Nettleton |
Orchis Fatalis |
Daniel Newman |
Written in Blood |
Paul Nicholls |
A Rare Bird |
Phoebe Nicholls |
A Tale of Two Hamlets |
Chris Nightingale |
The Flying Club |
Kimberley Nixon |
Fit for Murder |
Pippa Nixon |
Saints and Sinners |
John Normington |
Bad Tidings |
Jim Norton |
The Glitch |
Steve North |
Picture of Innocence |
Anna Northam |
Painted in Blood |
Robert Oates |
Who Killed Cock Robin |
Samuel Oatley |
Midsomer Life |
Clare Obermann |
The Great & The Good |
Terry O'Brien |
Tainted Fruit |
Richard O'Callaghan |
Bantling Boy |
Siobham O'Carroll |
Death in Disguise |
James ODee |
Death in the Slow Lane |
Lauren O'Neil |
Harvest of Souls |
Con O'Neill |
Schooled in Murder |
Maggie O'Neill |
The Straw Woman |
Leon Ockenden |
The Maid in Splendour |
Gavin O'Herlihy |
The Black Book |
Jonathan Oliver |
The Killings at Badger's Drift |
Maggie Ollerenshaw |
Country Matters |
Stuart Ong |
Orchis Fatalis |
Steve Oram |
The Incident at Coopers Hill |
Genevieve O'Reilly |
A Rare Bird |
Indra Ove |
Left for Dead |
Julian Ovenden |
Dark Secrets |
Alexander Owen |
Death & the Divas |
Lloyd Owen |
A Vintage Murder |
Ghosts of Christmas Past |
Eileen Page |
A Talent for Life |
Gemma Page |
They Seek Him Here |
Clara Paget |
Death in the Slow Lane |
Simon Paisley Day |
Blood Wedding |
Nicholas Palliser |
Blood Wedding |
Toni Palmer |
Who Killed Cock Robin |
Judy Parfitt |
Death's Shadow |
Cliff Parisi |
A Sacred Trust |
Brian Parr |
Picture of Innocence |
Josh Parris |
A Sacred Trust |
Nikesh Patel |
The Christmas Haunting |
Alice Patten |
Ghosts of Christmas Past |
Elizabeth Payne |
Talking to the Dead |
Harry Peacock |
Left for Dead |
Trevor Peacock |
Midsomer Rhapsody |
Tessa Peake-Jones |
Faithful unto Death |
Fred Pearson |
The Green Man |
Neil Pearson |
Dark Secrets |
Ian Peck |
A Talent for Life |
Laurence Penry-Jones |
Electric Vendetta |
Peter Penry-Jones |
Electric Vendetta |
Robert Perkins |
The Dogleg Murders |
Morris Perry |
Dark Autumn |
Clarke Peters |
The Ballad of Midsomer County |
Jeremy Peters |
A Worm in the Bud |
Edward Petherbridge |
Death in a Chocolate Box |
Henry Pettigrew |
Dance with the Dead |
Lucy Phelps |
The Flying Club |
Jonny Phillips |
Country Matters |
Leslie Phillips |
Painted in Blood |
Neville Phillips |
Faithful unto Death |
Sian Phillips |
Vixen's Run |
Robert Pickavance |
Death in Disguise |
Carolyn Pickles |
Blue Herrings |
Vivian Pickles |
Death's Shadow |
Rachel Pickup |
The Magician's Nephew |
Ronald Pickup |
A Tale of Two Hamlets |
Jack Pierce |
Murder of Innocence |
Royce Pierreson |
The Sicilian Defence |
Tim Pigott-Smith |
Days of Misrule |
Steven Pimlott |
Ring out your Dead |
Madeline Rakic Platt |
The Straw Woman |
Angela Pleasance |
Death of a Hollow Man |
Kathryn Pogson |
Things that Go Bump in the Night |
William Postlethwaite |
Let Us Prey |
Madeleine Potter |
Country Matters |
Andrew Lee Potts |
Murder by Magic |
Andrew Powell |
Faithful unto Death |
Rachel Power |
The Maid in Splendour |
Brian Poyser |
Tainted Fruit |
Tim Preece |
A Tale of Two Hamlets |
Katherine Press |
Master Class |
Duncan Preston |
Dead Man's 11 |
Claire Price |
Tainted Fruit |
Kelly Price |
Written in the Stars |
Nicholas Pritchard |
Birds of Prey |
Sarah Pritchard |
Dead Letters |
Brian Protheroe |
Last Years Model |
Robert Pugh |
The Sleeper under the Hill |
Ian Puleston-Davies |
Master Class |
Cory Pulman |
The Killings at Badger's Drift |
Liza Pulman |
Dance with the Dead |
Lucy Punch |
Tainted Fruit |
Paul Putner |
The Killings at Badger's Drift |
Robert Putt |
A Talent for Life |
Simon Quarterman |
Electric Vendetta |
(1) ) web
links |
Ghosts of Christmas Past |
Suzi Quatro |
The Axeman Cometh |
John Quayle |
Sauce for the Goose |
Ann Queensberry |
Faithful unto Death |
John Quentin |
Dark Secrets |
Pooky Quesnel |
Midsomer Life |
Diana Quick |
Dead in the Water |
Pearce Quigley |
Death & the Divas |
Niamh Quinn |
The Night of the Stag |
Soraya Radford |
Written in the Stars |
Elspeth Rae |
Days of Misrule |
Malcolm Raeburn |
A Talent for Life |
Mel Raido |
Who Killed Cock Robin |
Jon Rake |
Destroying Angel |
John Ramm |
The Great & The Good |
Thomasin Rand |
Death & the Divas |
Mary Jo Randle |
Things that Go Bump in the Night |
Jan Ravens |
Death & Dreams |
Chrstopher Ravenscroft |
Market for Murder |
Jeff Rawle |
A Talent for Life |
Adrian Rawlins |
Tainted Fruit |
Ian Redford |
Murder of Innocence |
Steve Redgrave (cameo) |
Dead in the Water |
Nicola Redmond |
Dance with the Dead |
Siobahn Redmond |
Last Years Model |
Vincent Regan |
Let Us Prey |
Saskia Reeves |
The Sword of Guillaume |
Anne Reid |
A Tale of Two Hamlets |
Sheila Reid |
Painted in Blood |
Charity Reindorp |
Blood Wedding |
Malolm Rennie |
Judgement Day |
Amber Rose Revah |
Harvest of Souls |
Mark Richards |
Death & Dreams |
Miles Richardson |
Tainted Fruit |
Dominic Rickhards |
Country Matters |
Derek Riddell |
Breaking the Chain |
Elizabeth Rider |
Habeas Corpus |
Fred Ridgeway |
Death of a Stranger |
Joanna Riding |
Vixen's Run |
Paul Ridley |
The Black Book |
Terence Rigby |
Dead Man's 11 |
David Rintoul |
Blood on the Saddle |
Fay Ripley |
The Sicilian Defence |
Angela Rippon |
The Magician's Nephew |
Vivienne Ritchie |
Sauce for the Goose |
Paul Ritter |
The Dark Rider |
Oliver Rix |
The Flying Club |
David Robb |
Beyond the Grave |
Nia Roberts |
Left for Dead |
Veronica Roberts |
Blood Wedding |
Nick Robinson |
Death's Shadow |
Patrick Robinson |
Schooled in Murder |
Struan Rodger |
Four Funerals & A Wedding |
Anton Rogers |
Market for Murder |
Laura Rogers |
Dark Secrets |
Marcus Rogers |
Written in Blood |
Betti Romani |
Stranglers Wood |
Jemima Rooper |
The Straw Woman |
Amanda Root |
A Talent for Life |
David Roper |
The Magician's Nephew |
Alison Rose |
A Talent for Life |
Clifford Rose |
Master Class |
David Ross |
Garden of Death |
Hugh Ross |
The Dogleg Murders |
Lee Ross |
The Sleeper under the Hill |
Jack Roth |
The Silent Land |
Joanna Roth |
The Glitch |
Laila Rouass |
The Flying Club |
Dominic Rowan |
The Magician's Nephew |
Nicholas Rowe |
The Fisher King |
Sheila Ruskin |
Vixen's Run |
Clive Russell |
Secrets & Spies |
Grant Russell |
The Dagger Club |
Jonah Russell |
The Christmas Haunting |
Lucy Russell |
Hidden Depths |
David Ryall |
Small Mercies |
Amanda Ryan |
The Creeper |
Daniel Ryan |
Blood on the Saddle |
Helen Ryan |
Orchis Fatalis |
Oliver Ryan |
The Kings Crystal |
Emma Rydal |
Harvest of Souls |
Joseph Rye |
The Kings Crystal |
Patrick Ryecart |
The Night of the Stag |
Hugh Sachs |
The Kings Crystal |
Liza Sadovy |
Things that Go Bump in the Night |
Stuart St Paul |
The Ballad of Midsomer County |
Rebecca Saire |
The Fisher King |
Justin Salinger |
Murder by Magic |
Benedict Sandiford |
Sauce for the Goose |
Julia Sawalha |
Saints and Sinners |
Prunella Scales |
Beyond the Grave |
Joanna Scanlon |
The Killings of Copenhagen |
Adrian Scarborough |
Ring out your Dead |
Joe Scatley |
Murder of Innocence |
Helen Schlesinger |
Harvest of Souls |
Judith Scott |
Written in Blood |
William Scott-Mason |
Dead in the Water |
Joseph Seatley |
Left for Dead |
Graham Seed |
Shot at Dawn |
Tony Selby |
The Silent Land |
John Sessions |
Painted in Blood |
Shaughan Seymour |
Four Funerals & A Wedding |
Victoria Shalet |
Murder on St. Malley's Day |
Sheila Shand-Gibbs |
Birds of Prey |
David Shaw-Parker |
Vixen's Run |
Ruth Sheen |
Saints and Sinners |
Greg Sheffield |
The House in the Woods |
Paul Shelley |
The Creeper |
Jack Shepherd |
Murder by Magic |
Susan Sheridan |
A Sacred Trust |
Justin Shevlin |
The Sleeper under the Hill |
Written in Blood |
Lex Shrapnel |
The Flying Club |
David Sibley |
The Silent Land |
Marlene Sidaway |
The Killings at Badger's Drift |
Michael Simkins |
Bad Tidings |
Cat Simmons |
A Dying Art |
Charles Simon |
Beyond the Grave |
Josette Simon |
Last Years Model |
Richard Simpson |
Orchis Fatalis |
Belinda Sinclair |
Midsomer Rhapsody |
Malcolm Sinclair |
Beyond the Grave |
Donald Sinden |
Shot at Dawn |
Alison Skilbeck |
The Dogleg Murders |
Jonathan Slinger |
Things that Go Bump in the Night |
Chris Sloman |
Midsomer Life |
Roger Sloman |
Beyond the Grave |
Sharon Small |
Wild Harvest |
Sarah Smart |
Echoes of the Dead |
Anthony Smee |
Orchis Fatalis |
Mossie Smith |
Death's Shadow |
Tom Smith |
Death of a Stranger |
Cyril Snaps |
Stranglers Wood |
Shuna Snow |
Destroying Angel |
Perri Snowdon |
Blood Wedding |
Robin Soans |
Hidden Depths |
Birgitte Hjort Sorensen |
The Killings of Copenhagen |
Steve Speirs |
Sauce for the Goose |
Alyson Spiro |
Days of Misrule |
Elizabeth Spriggs |
The Killings at Badgers Drift |
Linda Spurrier |
Things that Go Bump in the Night |
Dinah Stabb |
Painted in Blood |
Jack Staddon |
Breaking the Chain |
James Staddon |
The Magician's Nephew |
Anne Stallybrass |
Stranglers Wood |
John Standing |
Bad Tidings |
Josh Stanley |
Shot at Dawn |
Tim Stanmore |
The Black Book |
Emma Stansfield |
Small Mercies |
Chris Stanton |
Beyond the Grave |
Sophie Stanton |
Faithful unto Death |
Katherine Stark |
Garden of Death |
Imelda Staunton |
Dead Man's 11 |
Maggie Stead |
Judgement Day |
Alison Steadman |
The Incident at Coopers Hill |
Jonty Stephens |
Death & Dreams |
Debra Stephenson |
Death of a Hollow Man |
Jessica Stephenson |
The Killings at Badger's Drift |
Gerda Stevenson |
Market for Murder |
Bill Stewart |
Second Sight |
Sara Stewart |
Death in Chorus |
Malcolm Stoddard |
The Animal Within |
Jo Stone-Fewings |
A Tale of Two Hamlets |
Sophie Stone |
The Sicilian Defence |
Malcolm Storry |
Who Killed Cock Robin |
Geoffrey Streatfield |
Orchis Fatalis |
Una Stubbs |
Written in Blood |
Sophie Stuckey |
Country Matters |
Neil Stuke |
Secrets & Spies |
Matilda Sturridge |
Small Mercies |
Trudie Styler |
Stranglers Wood |
Eleanor Summerfield |
Faithful unto Death |
Donald Sumpter |
Sins of Commission |
Janet Suzman |
The Sword of Guillaume |
Roger Swaine |
A Talent for Life |
Robert Swann |
Written in Blood |
Julia Swift |
Ring out your Dead |
Meera Syal |
Harvest of Souls |
Alice Sykes |
Death & the Divas |
Richard Syms |
Destroying Angel |
Ian Talbot |
Hidden Depths |
Ian Targett |
Small Mercies |
Colin Tarrant |
The Sleeper under the Hill |
Alwyne Taylor |
Faithful unto Death |
Georgia Taylor |
The Dagger Club |
Gwen Taylor |
Ring out your Dead |
Jay Taylor |
Written in the Stars |
Josephine Taylor |
The Glitch |
Julie Teal |
Murder of Innocence |
Owen Teale |
Second Sight |
Thom Tell |
Murder on St. Malley's Day |
Matthew Tennyson |
Vixen's Run |
Malcolm Terris |
Echoes of the Dead |
Josephine Tewson |
Judgement Day |
Abigail Thaw |
Small Mercies |
Bill Thomas |
Judgement Day |
Elizabeth Thomas |
Blood Will Out |
Gareth Thomas |
Death & Dust |
Matthew James Thomas |
Master Class |
Olivia Thomas |
The Magician's Nephew |
William Thomas |
Death & Dust |
Sian Thomas |
Four Funerals & A Wedding |
Ian Thompson |
Blood Will Out |
Kim Thompson |
Dark Autumn |
Michael Thompson |
Harvest of Souls |
Sophie Thompson |
Dead Letters |
Angela Thorne |
Market for Murder |
Jane Thorne |
Echoes of the Dead |
Paul Thornley |
The Green Man |
Thomas Thoroe |
The Killings of Copenhagen |
Harriett Thorpe |
Dance with the Dead |
Andrew Tiernan |
Picture of Innocence |
Colin Tierney |
Blue Herrings |
Malcolm Tierney |
The Fisher King |
Darren Tighe |
The Sword of Guillaume |
Ramon Tikaram |
A Dying Art |
Danielle Tilley |
A Tale of Two Hamlets |
Heather Tobias |
The Oblong Murders |
Richard Todd |
Birds of Prey |
Hannah Tointon |
The Christmas Haunting |
Francis Tomelty |
The Maid in Splendour |
Sam Torrence OBE |
The Dogleg Murders - Guest appearance |
Pip Torrens |
Blood on the Saddle |
Steve Toussaint |
The Incident at Coopers Hill |
Katherine Tozer |
Blue Herrings |
Susan Tracey |
Death in Disguise |
Susan Tracy |
The Kings Crystal |
Susie Trayling |
The Christmas Haunting |
Jamie Treacher |
Small Mercies |
Tim Treloar |
Birds of Prey |
Frederick Treves |
Garden of Death |
Richard Trinder |
Judgement Day |
David Troughton |
Written in Blood |
Caroline Trowbridge |
Last Years Model |
Michael Tucek |
Garden of Death |
Chole Tucker |
Judgement Day |
Sion Tudor Owen |
Death in a Chocolate Box |
Graham Tuner |
Death in Disguise |
Jessica Turner |
Death's Shadow |
Elizabethe Tyrrell |
Stranglers Wood |
Margaret Tyzack |
Garden of Death |
Mark Umbers |
Sins of Commission |
Gudrun Ure |
Blue Herrings |
Julie Agnete Vang |
The Killlings of Copenhagen |
Rupert Vansittart |
Market for Murder |
Richard Vanstone |
Midsomer Rhapsody |
Yolanda Vazquez |
Who Killed Cock Robin |
Paul Venables |
A Worm in the Bud |
Wanda Ventham |
Second Sight |
Ronan Vibert |
Death in Chorus |
Lesley Vickerage |
Faithful unto Death |
The Killings at Badger's Drift |
Jay Villiers |
They Seek Him Here |
Olivia Vinall |
Breaking the Chain |
Sue Vincent |
Dark Secrets |
Manjinder Virk |
Regular Cast from Habeas Corpus onwards |
Paul Viragh |
Bantling Boy |
Amalia Vitale |
A Vintage Murder |
Mukleen Kim Vithana |
Saints and Sinners |
Sandra Voe |
Four Funerals & A Wedding |
Sasha Waddell |
Death & the Divas |
Death's Shadow |
Charity Wakefield |
The Oblong Murders |
Christine Wakeley |
The Sword of Guillaume |
Amanda Walker |
Dead Man's 11 |
Chris Walker |
A Worm in the Bud |
Jack Walker |
Secrets & Spies |
Tim Wallers |
Written in the Stars |
Bill Wallis |
The Killings at Badger's Drift |
Richard Walsh |
A Sacred Trust |
Harriet Walter |
Orchis Fatalis |
Ruppert Walz |
Dark Autumn |
Bill Ward |
Talking to the Dead |
Howard Ward |
The Dagger Club |
Tom Ward |
Destroying Angel |
John Warnaby |
A Talent for Life |
David Warner |
Death in the Slow Lane |
Marcia Warren |
Death in a Chocolate Box |
Wendy Wason |
Dance with the Dead |
Ed Waters |
Death of a Hollow Man |
Julia Watson |
The Sword of Guillaume |
June Watson |
Death & Dreams |
Moray Watson |
Judgement Day |
Timothy Watson |
The Dagger Club |
Lizzy Watts |
Dance with the Dead |
Robin Weaver |
The Axeman Cometh |
Danny Webb |
Dance with the Dead |
Eloise Webb |
Schooled in Murder |
Mark Webb |
They Seek Him Here |
Sian Webber |
The Incident at Coopers Hill |
James Weber Brown |
Hidden Depths |
Honeysuckle Weeks |
Blood Will Out |
Perdita Weeks |
Death & Dreams |
Arabella Weir |
Wild Harvest |
Albert Welling |
Left for Dead |
Dolly Wells |
Death in Disguise |
Martin Wenner |
Blood Wedding |
Julia West |
Destroying Angel |
Samuel West |
The Animal Within |
Timonthy West |
Judgement Day |
David Westhead |
The House in the Woods |
Daniel Weyman |
The Straw Woman |
Daisy Whalley |
Harvest of Souls |
Leah Whitaker |
Death in the Slow Lane |
Pauline Whitaker |
Sauce for the Goose |
Martyn Whitby |
Death in a Chocolate Box |
Philip Whitchurch |
Dark Autumn |
Geoffrey Whitehead |
Second Sight |
Robert Whitelock |
Sins of Commission |
June Whitfield |
Midsomer Rhapsody |
Nigel Whitmey |
The Glitch |
Benjamin Whitrow |
Tainted Fruit |
Stamus Whitty |
Ring out your Dead |
J. Wickham |
A Worm in the Bud |
Saskia Wickham |
Last Years Model |
Victoria Wicks |
Sins of Commission |
Michael Wildman |
A Dying Art |
Alan Williams |
The Sleeper under the Hill |
Lia Williams |
The Dagger Club |
Simon Williams |
Midsomer Life |
Abigail Williamson |
The House in the Woods |
Jerome Willis |
Blood Will Out |
Lydia Wilson |
Master Class |
Simon Wilson |
Death & Dust |
Stuart Wilson |
The Magician's Nephew |
Anna Wilson-Jones |
Bantling Boy |
Mary Wimbush |
Blue Herrings |
Frank Windsor |
Stranglers Wood |
Sarah Winman |
Death of a Stranger |
Susannah Wise |
The Straw Woman |
Jane Wood |
Death of a Stranger |
Clive Wood |
Blue Herrings |
Jo Woodcock |
The Sicilian Defence |
Nick Woodeson |
Death of a Hollow Man |
John Woodvine |
Electric Vendetta |
Tim Woodward |
The Green Man |
Emily Woof |
The Animal Within |
Susan Wooldridge |
A Talent for Life |
Rachel Woolrich |
Dark Autumn |
Madeleine Worrall |
Destroying Angel |
Amanda Wright |
Murder of Innocence |
Tim Wylton |
The Great & The Good |
Regular Cast |
Tristram Wymark |
Master Class |
Eleanor Yates |
The Night of the Stag |
David Yelland |
Death & Dust |
Owain Yeoman |
Dead in the Water |
Tom York |
Breaking the Chain |
Barbara Young |
The Killings at Badger's Drift |
Francesca Zoutewelle |
The Flying Club |