John Nettles & Jane Wymark
"It was wonderful to be attending the wedding of Barnaby's daughter Cully instead of the usual Midsomer funerals which we seem to have in every episode. Of course it's not all joy and happiness because the villages have a high murder count and it's not a safe place to be. "There are two separate weddings taking place. One is upmarket and slightly nouveau riche and then we have Cully's which is much more real and down to earth. I know which one I'd rather attend. The episode sees Barnaby torn between his work and his family. "Unfortunately there is a suspicious death at the first wedding which takes him away from the final preparations for Cully's special day. Joyce, Cully and his prospective son-in-law all have their doubts that he will make it to the church on time. But of course he is determined to be there for his only daughter's wedding and scrapes in at the last moment - I blame him for not solving the murders more quickly"! |
'Blood Wedding' writer
"There's also a problem when the wedding caterers pull out at the last minute and Joyce has to climb down and admit to Barnaby that maybe the police caterers could organise it instead. Barnaby talks to them and they save the day." Filming the wedding was quite an emotional occasion for the cast. Explains John: "I am great friends with Jane Wymark who plays my wife and Laura Howard who plays Cully. It was a wonderful day, the sun shone, my screen daughter and screen wife looked beautiful and it was a special moment as we walked down the aisle. I was hugely proud and enjoyed every moment. It was very moving". "It's always difficult for fathers to give their daughters away, you never think that the husband will be good enough. Barnaby is the same with Cully. He is suspicious of Simon, he thinks he is a bit of a rock band roadie and not quite suitable husband material to settle down with. However, he builds Barnaby a patio, so all is well in the household after that!" |
Adds John: "For the actual wedding, Barnaby is trussed up in coat and tails and looks very pleased with himself, although it's a bit out of character compared with his normal suits, which are terrible."
The service was filmed at St. Mary's Church in Denham.
"It's a great area to get married in, surrounded by beautiful countryside, historic old churches and if you are close to a local hotel, that's great for an all-rousing reception," he says.
"The churches where we film are romantic and haunting. One of my favourites is Bledlow Church because I love it's architecture and simplicity. I feel I have been very lucky to have seen so many wonderful locations and churches through filming the series and I often revisit them. There is always a good local pub close by to have a good lunch.
The episode features a guest appearance by Daniel Casey who played DS Gavin Troy for many years.
Says John: "It was great to welcome back Daniel as Sgt. Troy, I often catch up with hm outside work, but it was good to have him back in Midsomer, when Troy comes back as a guest at Cully's wedding. Typically he crashes the car when he meets me!"