ZDF - First episode broadcast on 26th June 2005

Killings at Badger's Drift

Tod in Badger's Drift

Death in Badger's Drift

26th June 2005

Strangler's Wood

Der Würger von Raven's Wood

The Raven's Wood Strangler

Death's Shadow

Der Schatten des Todes

The Shadow of Death

17th July 2005

Destroying Angel

Ein Mannlein stirbt im Walde

A Little Man dies in the Wood

The Electric Vendetta

Der Tote in Kornkreis

The Body in the Corncircle

6th May 2007

Ring Out Your Dead

Glockenschlag zum Tod

Toll of Death

13th May 2007

Murder on St.Malley's Day

Mord am St. Malleys Tag

Murder on St. Malley's Day

20th May 2007

Written in Blood

Blutige Anfänger

Bloody Beginners

27th May 2007

Death of a Hollow Man

Requiem für einen Mörder

Requiem for a Murderer

3rd June 2007

Death in Disguise

Ein böses Ende

A Bad End

10th June 2007

Beyond the Grave

Der Fluch von Aspern Tallow

The Curse of Aspern Tallow

17th June 2007

Dead Man's Eleven

Sport ist Mord

Sport is Murder

24th June 2007

Blue Herrings

Drei tote alte Damen

Three Dead Old Ladies

27th Dec. 2010

Judgement Day

Der Mistgabel-Mörder

The Pitchfork Murderer

1st July 2007

A Worm in the Bud

Die Hexe von Setwale Wood

Witch from Setwale Wood

7th July 2007

Death & Dreams

Trau, schau, wem!

Trust, Look, Who

15th July 2007

A Tale of Two Hamlets

Das Haus des Satans

The House of Satan

22nd July 2007

The Green Man

Blut ist dicker.......

Blood is Thicker

23rd March '08

Sins of Commission

Der club der toten Autoren

The Dead Authors Club

30th March '08

The Straw Woman

Brennen sollst du

You Shall Burn

6th April 2008

Things that Go Bump in
the Night

Nachts, wenn du Angst hast

At night, when you are afraid

6th July 2008

Bantling Boy

Erben oder Sterben?

To inherit or to die

13th July 2008

Midsomer Rhapsody

Melodie des Todes

Melody of Death

20th July 2008

The House in the Woods

Fluch über Winyard

Winyard's Curse

27th July 2008

Dance with the Dead

Tanz in den Tod

Dance into Death

The Animal Within

Das Tier in dir

The Animal in you

King's Crystal

Ein Sarg aus China

A Coffin from China

The Axeman Cometh

Mord mit Groove

Groovy Murder

Left for Dead

Kind des Totes

Dead Child

16th Jan. 2011

Days of Misrule

Ein missratener Sohn

A Wayward Son

20th Jan. 2011

Talking to the Dead

Die untoten von Barton Woods

The Undead from Barton Woods

9th Jan. 2011