ITV3 - 10TH - 13TH APRIL 2009
Who is the greatest television detective of all time? Its time for ITV3 viewers to have their say. From Morse to Marple and PD James to Prime Suspect, TV detective dramas have captured the imaginations of viewers for decades. Now they are pitted in a head to see who is the greatest super-sleuth of all time.
Will Gene Hunts immortal catchphrases see him crowned king of the cops? Or is Sherlock Holmes victory an elementary result? The top 50 TV detectives of all time are facing off against each other, but will viewers pick Prime Suspect or Juliet Bravo for their top female detective? Will Magnum or Poirot be in the top ten in a battle of the moustaches? And which famous double act will be the nations favourite Starskey & Hutch, Cagney & Lacey, Crocket & Tubbs?
The winning countdown of detectives will be featured in a three-hour programme, which will interview the actors who immortalised the famous sleuths as well as writers, producers, and critics. Amongst these exclusive interviews the programme will show classic clips from each drama featured as we count down to the coveted number one slot and find out who will be crowned Britains favourite detective.
The results will be revealed in a 3 hour countdown programme, which will be the highlight of a weekend of programming showcasing some of the series which made these detectives the top of the cops.